Chapter 12

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So i start math lessons again tmrw. Today is the 23 of October 2020. I hate it it here. I start tmrw and i font understand one crap he does say.

We celebrated me getting into the tour, we ended up going to a bar but i stayed sober. Louis and i hooked up in the bathroom making sure no one suspected anything afterwards.

Now it was Monday, 4 o'clock in the morning. I'm in my dance clothes and  packing my bag. Niall's at one of the boys house since last night. I grabbed a smoothie i made earlier, grabbed my keys and made my way to rehearsals locking the door behind me.

When i pulled up i was greeted by a few people and made my way to dance room. People were sat on the floor stretching. I placed my bag in the back corner and did the same.

The same choreographer from the auditions walked in and told us to follow him. We entered a bigger room and he gave us positions. He placed me in the front right. 'Okay now i just have to make sure i dont mess up' i said to myself.

"Okay people im doing this twice watch me pay attention, and then we're gonna do it together" she shouted. He played  one of Taylor's songs 'Look What You Made Me Do' and began to dance.

He did it twice and made us do it after. I kept up with most of it but got confused with one of the steps so we had to do it over. Once we had it down good he said that we would move on. Not all of us would be able to dance for every song so we are split into groups. Group A amd Group B. Im in Group A. We go on for every other song until the last one where we all dance together.

Eight fucking long hours of dancing later. And I'm entering my apartment flopping myself down on the couch. I let out a heavy sigh.

"JESS ARE YOU HOME JESS" Niall shouted. "I'm right here no need for shouting" i said to him. I sat up and saw his state. He had a look of fear and anger mixed together. Okay now i was worried.

"Niall, what's wrong?" I asked. "A-A-Ashton was released" he said. I froze.

No that cant be right. How can he be released he literally almost killed me. He beat the crap out of me i could barely have any feeling in certain parts of my body and they released him?.

"Jess?" Niall called me. I looked up to him. "Where'd you hear that from?" I asked him. "Mom said they released him on good behaviour, saw him in the grocery today" he said. "She spoke to him?" I asked. "No he saw her and came up to her, she was in shock" he explained.

"Do you think he knows where i am?" I asked. "No no i doubt" he said.

I couldnt breathe, good behaviour my arse. I know Ashton he wants revenge and I can't handle it. My life is finally going right and now theres a small possibility no a huge possibility that he could fuck it all up for me.

Niall pulled me into a hug but i was still frozen in place. "It's okay Jess he won't find you, he's not going to hurt you" he said. But i didnt respond.

I think for the first time since waking up in the hospital i finally felt my tears. Fear i feel them in fear.


After that i took a shower and went to bed but i couldn't sleep. The thought of knowing Ashton's released clogged my brain. I scrolled through my social media. All my accounts were private so he can't see anything unless he requests to.

I got a message from Louis.

Dick Appointment 🍆🤤: Why are you still up?

Me: Can't sleep. Why are you still up?

Dick Appointment 🍆🤤: Not tired, wanna call?

Me: Sure, don't have anything better to do anyway do yeah.

I said and soon my phone was ringing ofcourse he would choose a video call.

"Hi" he said. "Hi" i replied giving him a smile. "How you doing luv?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders although he cant really see much of my actions.

"Not good ehh?" He asked. "No we did alot of dancing today and-" i said stopping before i continued. I wasn't sure if i should tell him about Ashton or not. "And what?" He asked.

"Its nothing" i said. "No you said and then you stopped zoning out" he said.
"What's wrong Jess?" He asked.
I sighed. "I can't tell you over the phone meet me before I go to dance tomorrow" i told him. "Okay" he said.

"What about you?" I asked him. "Meh paper work here and there, Julie being a bit of a pain on my arse, why do i have to come up with themes for?  Can't yall just dance or come up with the themes yourselves?" He asked ranting on. I laughed at him. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing you just look cute ranting" i said them widen my eyes. I did not just say that. "Haha its okay luv thank you" he said. There was an awkward silence then we just burst out laughing.

He made conversation for the two of us. I cant remember the last time i laughed so hard. He's like a five year old in an adults body.

I don't know when but I think i fell asleep on the phone with Louis but i didn't bother to think about it i was to tired to even hang up.


Yeah yeah short chapter, well im feeling lazy and my bladder is not cooperating with me now so yeah.

Sooooo, Ashtons out. Does he know where she is? Does he not? Even i dont know what will happen next and im writing it. But im sure they would come out on top in the end. Right? Oh well we'll just have to continue reading to find out.

Yes when i give the word count i count the author note as well. So bye bye

1045 words.

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