Chapter 15

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Theo James as Ashton.✌🤤

I wake up to the sound of light snores and breathing hitting my face. I open my eyes to find Louis sleeping next to me. His arms wrapped around my torso.

He looks so peaceful sleeping. There's no worry on his face, he looks young and handsome. I caress his face. His eyes flutter before opening fully. I pull my hands away one time.

"Morning luv, enjoying the view?" He asked. Seriously first thing in the morning and he chooses to say something arrogant. I roll my eyes at him. "There's not much to see so no im not" i say. He fake gasps and hold his heart. "I'm hurt Miss Oliver" he says. "Yeah yeah" i say.

I remove his hands from me so i  can get up, but that when pain shoots through me. "Fuck" i groaned. "You okay?" Louis ask. "Yeah yeah im- fuck, im fine" i say. I get up from the bed but instantly meet the ground.

My feet a shaking. "What the fuck" i say. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "My legs won't stop shaking" i said. He begins to laugh. I shot him a hard glare. "Why is that funny?" I ask him clearly angry thatche thinks this is funny.

"I did tell you that was going to fuck hard that you wont be able to walk for three days" he said, repeating what he told me last night.

"You dip-shit" i said through gritted teeth. "Dont worry i will run you a hot bath it should stop your shaking" he said. "Hurry i have practice in two hours" i told him.

Five minutes later her comes back for me, picking me up bridal style carrying me to the bath tub. He places me down gently in the water. "Thank you" i say to him relaxing in the water. "No problem, i will leave you be" he says turning and walking out the bathroom.

I relax in the hot water for 20 minutes now. Its getting cold so i grab a towel that he left near the tub and stepped out the tub wrapping it around me. I unclog the tub walking back to my room.

I change into my dance clothes, going on to do my usual packing routine. When i was done i walk out the room to grab some watet bottles, but i walk in the kitchen to see Louis eating a plate of pancakes, another plate that's covered next to him.

"Hey" i said to him. "Hey you better now?" He ask and i nod my head. "I made you pancakes" he says sliding the plate to me. I smile at him and thank him. We eat our pancakes in silenece but a comfortable one.

After eating we wash the dishes and i grabbed the waters that i came for putting them in my bag. "You ready to go?" He asks. I watch him weird. "I'm going with you" he says. 'Why?' I ask myself. "Because i promised your brother to keep you safe and that i will do" he says, answering the question i had in my head or maybe i said it out loud.

"You don't have to come with me Louis" i tell him. "I know but it's my choice so im coming with you" he says. He's not gonna let me win this agrument so i take my bag and pull him out the house. He locks the front door and we make our way to his car.

Minutes later we pull up to the rehearsals and walk in. He sits in the same spot as last time. I enter the dance room drop my bag in the corner or  the room and stretch.

Ten minutes later the choreographer Sam i learnt his name, walks in. "Line up" he shouts. We all get in our positions. Look what you made me do blasting through the speakers.


He hates us. He hates us. He. Hate. Us.

Sam had us dance eight fucking hours straight no break in between. Everytime one mess up he's quick to point it out and we stop mid way to start over again.

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