Chapter 17

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We carefully exit the tub and made our way to the bed. Our bodies still wet from not drying off. He lays me gently down on the bed and kisses my lips tenderly again.

He moves his lips to my neck, biting down on my skin causing a moan to escape my lips. I pulled his face back up to mine and crash our lips together. This time it was hungrily. I needed him more than ever and i could tell that he agreed.

He lowered himself and postions his friend at the entrance of my friend and enters me. He takes my right leg and place it over his shoulder, allowing him a better angle and hitting the right places.

In the next 10 minutes we were both at the each others side panting, tryimg to catch our breath.

"You okay?" Louis asks he.  I nod my head yes still trying to control my breathing. He pulls me closer to him, resting his head between my neck and shoulders.

"Goodnight Love" he says, planting a kiss on my color bone. "Night Lou" i reply to him.


Ever since that night Louis and I have been extra handsy with each other. There were times i had to lock him in the bathroom because he was too horny.

He finally decided to go back to the club office and catch up on the work that he missed after i convinced him that i will be fine, but he said he would only go if i call Niall and ask to accompany me.

And that's whats happening now. Every other day i had dance practice Niall would accompany me. He said that he was bored of waiting for so long and wondered how Louis did it but i knew he had fun, especially since he had fun himself flirting with some of the female dancers.

After dance he drives me back to Louis place and stays there until Lou arrives. I took a shower and and changed into my loose sleeping wear. I plopped myself down next to Niall, resting my head on his lap while he watches tv.

"Thanks" i said to him. "For?" He asks. "Being there for me with this whole Ashton thing" i say. His fingers runs through my hair. "Ofcourse your my little sister blood or not i will always be here for you" he says.

"Thanks...can i ask you a question?" I ask him. "Sure" he replies. "Lets just say hypothetically i start dating one of your mates, how would you feel about that?" I asked him. I didn't want to be in a relationship with Louis without Niall knowing about it.

"Well if you were to date one of them, i mean it would be weird for me cause your my little sister, but I've known each one of them for years now so i trust them, i mean i don't think i would fully understand why one of them their idiots, but they must be really perfect if they got you to date them" he says and i laugh. "But i won't have a problem, you like one of them Jess?" Niall ask me. I nod my head.

"Who?" He asks. "Lou" i say. And before Niall could respond Louis walks throught the front door. "Hey guys" he says, walking towards the kitchen then coming back with a cold bottle of water in his hands.

"Hey man" Niall said. "I'm going to change out of these and i will be back" Louis said gesturing to his clothes.

"You like Lou?" Niall asks once Louis was out of earshot. I nod my head. "How long? I mean it won't be that long yall known each other for a month or two now, but when?" He asks.

"Umm i few days ago when i first told him about Ashton he was understanding and he told me about his ex and the situation and we were just there for each other, then when Ashton broke in the house afterwards he was still there for me even if his own life could be risked" i explain. "I mean like sorry to say this but we had sex before multiple times, but it wasn't like my regular one night stand or fuck buddies, like i actually felt something with him, i just didn't know what it was" i added.

"And do you know now?" Niall asked. I nodded my head. "I think i love him, but I'm not going to say anything to him about it, we only admitted we like each other a few days ago i don't want to rush it you know" i confess to my brother.

"Jess..i wished you told me sooner but Louis is not a bad guy and from what your telling me i can tell he feels the same way. The lads used to try and get him over his ex but nothing worked, for a moment Zayn thought he turned gay the way he rejected every girl. But you come in his life and now you guys have each other, im happy for you" Niall says.

We watch each other, a big smile plastered across my face. He pulls me into a hug and we stay like that for a few more seconds and before letting go. "You're the best brother a girl could ask for" i say to him. "Your the worst sister anyone could ask for" he says laughing and i punch him. "Hahaha funny" i say sacartiscally.

"Thank you thank you" he said. "But really you are" i said. "Thanks and i guess you're the best sister a guy can ask for" he said.

We continued watching tv and ten minutes later Louis enters the door. "Jess?" He calls out. "In here Lou" i call back out to him. "Hey ba- oh hey Niall i thought you left" he said stopping his sentence and noticing Niall next to me. "Hey Lou...nope still here" Niall said, eyes still on the tv.

I stood up and walked towards him, and gave him a kiss on his lips, but he tensed up and didn't return the kiss. "What's wrong?" I asked him pulling away. "Your brother" he said. "Hahaha Lou he knows" i said smiling at him.

"Yeah just because i know doesn't mean you guys could be sneaking kiss when im around" he said, turning to watch us a smirk on his face. "Oh fuck off" i said to him smiling.

"Well im going any ways so bye Jess. And Lou hurt her and trust me there would be consequences" Niall said. I rolled my eyes at him. He exited the house after giving us both us, and Louis and I just stood there with a smile on our faces well on mines, Louis just looked scared.

"Don't tell me your scared of Niall" i said laughing. "Umm...yes i am" he replied. "Oh please he wouldn't even hurt a fly" i said. "Have you seen Niall angry? One time before he moved, Zayn ate his leftover KFC chicken and i swear he turned bloody red Liam had to hold him back and Zayn had to buy him a bucket of chicken to make up for it" he explained.

"No way, hahaha" i laughed. "Yes way, so you better behave" he said. "Me you better behave" i replied smacking his shoulder. "Sure princess" he said.


A/N: because your girl forgot she was writing a book, this chaptet is incredibly BORRIINNGG but im tryna stall because it has something coming up and i need to know what im writing on before i can publish it. Plus i am incredibly tired, my teachers wanna be a pain in my arse these days and i just wanna punch them.

But other than that please dont give up on this book things are about to happen this is chapter 17 so by 18 or 19 the things would appear and the book shoulf be finished by chapter 25 or 30 and amaybe and epilogue idk.

Also i was thinking of writing a new book i already have the title the characters well one character and the story line so yeah look out for it on my page but other than that school is in the way so dont expect me to upload like before.

Plus before i already wrote the chapters before hand it was just to release them.

Anywhoo remember to vote, comment and share.

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