Epilogue part 2

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3 years later

Louis and I have been married for three years now and let me say it's the best three years. Well not really. We have been trying to conceive since our honeymoon, but each time nothing.

We went to a doctor and she says that due to my past injury I might have a hard time getting pregnant or that I wouldn't get pregnant to put it all together.

He's not even in my life anymore but he still somehow messes it up for me.

Louis says we don't need to have kids now but I know he's just putting up a front for me. I know that he wants to have kids it's a dream of his.

It's been six months since we last tried to have a baby now we just have normal sex. We visited Ashton in prison. I told him to rot in hell and stick a finger up his ass then left.

Now I'm on the toilet taking a pregnancy test. My period didn't come two months ago and I have been vomiting for no reason. Jacob said to take one just to be sure.

I know, you must be wondering why I'm not telling Louis. That's because I don't want to get his hopes up.

And I got the best kind the Clear Blue I got two just to be sure. I just have to wait my three min- oh timer is done.

I move slowly towards to sink. I pick up both sticks,


Holy Shit...I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant...I need to call Louis.

I ran to find my phone on the kitchen counter and dial his number.

"Hey babe what-

"Come home now like right now"

"Is everything okay?"

"Just come home now please, but be careful, just come home," I say to him.

I hang up the phone and make my back to the bathroom.

I grab the sticks the make my way to the closet. I grab an old necklace box and place one in it.

I make my way out to the kitchen and sit on the barstool, I put on my best poker face for when he reaches home.

Ten minutes later the door homes.

"Babe I'm home what's going on?" He asks.

"I'm in the kitchen Louis," I say

"Louis? What's going on?" He asked.

"Have a seat" I say.

"Okay," he says sitting next to me.

I push the box forward to him.

"What's this?" He asks.

"I don't know I was hoping you would tell me," I say to him.

He picks up the box then opens it.

I drop the act when I saw his reaction.

"You're pregnant? Like for real? You're pregnant?" He asked, tears filling his eyes.

"Yeah," I say taking out the other test from my pockets giving it to him.

He jumps off the stool and lifts me and spins us around.


"I love you, Jess," he says.

"And I love you, Lou," I say.

"We're really having a baby?" He asks

"Yeah," I say

"We need to make an appointment," he says getting his phone out.

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