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So telling my parents that i am engaged to be married probably wasn't the best idea after not being home for so many years. But at the same time they were happy for me that i found someone to live and not one night stands and that I actually visited them.

Louis and i stayed for two months so my parents can get to know him a little bit better.

My dad especially loves him, I was helping my mom in the kitchen one day, and i went to call them to come eat and I saw them snuggled next to each other on the couch after watching a movie. I snapped a picture of it next time dad wants to acts tough around Louis.

Niall found a girlfriend that we all actually like. Hope she could put up with him though.

Louis and i have been busy sorting out everything for the wedding and him taking care of the club and me opening a dance school for kids to teens, but we were able to do, even with all the fighting. This idiot still thinks that when we fight and he sleeps on the couch that I'm gonna leave him there by himself.

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"You ready man?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, i am actually, wait noo what if she changes her mind and leaves me, shit man she's gonna leave me on the alter" i say and start panicking.

"Dudes we have a problem....Jess wants to walk out" Niall says coming in the room.

"See i told you, why would she stay with me" i say.

"Wow wow dude chill i was kidding relax, she's getting her make-up done,  and she's eating a burger so i think she actually and truly wants to marry you" Niall says.

"Not funny bro, but he has a point, Jess loves you, she likes you from the moment we went to that club you think i didn't see her trying to seduce you man" Zayn said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah now relax" Harry said.

I exhale all my nerves out, and Lottie walks in.

"Hey guys, hey brother" she says giving me a hug.

"You look beautiful Lots" i say.

"I know but wait til you see your bride" she says.

Here comes the panicking again.

"Is she nervous? Does she want to walk out on me? I'm not good enough am I?" I ask pacing the room.

"Alright out boys I can handle this, out out" she says and the boys leave.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON CALM THE FUCK DOWN" she shouts at me and I stop pacing.

"She is in that room, getting ready to marry you, and you're here panicking for nothing. I know you're not blind but sometimes I think you are. She loves you to the moon and back, I think she might even risk jumping in front of car and injure herself again just for you to be save because she loves you that bad, now stop fucking panicking and pull up your big boy pants and marry the girl you love" she says.

I breathe in deeply and slowly then exhale. She's right Jessica is the live of my life and I'm gonna marry her.

"Thanks Lots" I say and give her one last hug.


"WHERE'S MY OTHER BURGER" I ask searching the room for the bag of burgers.

BOSS WITH BENEFITS- LTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ