Chapter 18

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A/N: Trigger warning. Abuse ahead be prepared idk how it will turn out so.

A month has past and Louis and I have gotten closer than ever. With the holidays approaching we want to go back home to Doncaster where he grew up and have me meet his sisters, brothers and stepdad. I'm excited yet nervous.

We haven't heard from Ashton in a while so they assumed that he left, but me knowing him he's not finished with what he came to do.

It's now Friday and today im in rehearsals for the tour, we met Taylor last week Tuesday and she has been dancing with us ever since. We all became friends with her and have lots of laughs.

Coming down to the end we're doing some cool downs and then we can leave. Today went extra long as it is now 9 pm. Louis is sitting outside waiting for me to finish. I grab my bag and walk out the room to him.

"Ready?" He asks. I nodd my head yes and he stands up and throws his hands around my shoulders. "Louuu I'm sticky" i whined. "Yeah so?" He asks as we approach the entrance. "Shit i forgot my jacket brb" i said to him. I walk back passing everyone out. I enter the room, all empty my jacket is in the back corner of the room.

I grab when i hear the door open and close. It must've been Louis. "Lou i sa-" i stopped mid sentence when i turned around. It wasn't Lou. It wasn't Niall or any other of the boys. Not anyone from rehearsals.

Him. It was him. Ashton. Ashton is standing in front of me. Ashton is looking right at me. He's here.

"A-A-Ashton?" I said with a shaky voice. "Why are you here?" I asked him. He just watched me with a smile on his face. He walked towards the door and locked it, then walked towards me. Standing just a few centimetres away.

He brings his hands to my cheeks and i flinched at his touch. "Don't be scared darling, i just missed you" he said. I cringed at his words. Missed me? How could he possibly miss me? After what he did to me?

"What do you want Ashton? Why are you here?" I questioned him, stepping away from his touch. "You very well know why I'm here chi-ca" he said. I cringed at his pet name for me.

"Leave me alone Ashton i had suffered enough after what you did to me" i said. "What i did? All i did was put you in your place and what happened after that? Im in prison" he said. His tone getting angrier by the second. "You abused me you dick yo-". Slap!. He slapped me. I didn't even see when he walked up to me. But he just slapped me.

"Don't you EVER speak to me like that again" he spat. "You're coward, if you think beating up a woman makes you feel like a man your a fucking prick that deserves to fucking die" i spat to him. And in a quick second, his fingers a wrapped around my throat and not in the good way. He pushed me against the wall squeezing my throat harder causing me a shortness of breath.

"You know really are something else you know" he began speaking while i try to struggle out of his grip. "If you really thought that putting me behind bars and you living your marrily life you are just as pathetic as you were before" he spoke. "Your little boy toy wouldn't even stick around you after im done with you" he said. "You're damaged goods, no one will, has never, and would never love you, your to much of a slut for anyone to keep around" he spat at me.

That's when i kicked him in his balls. He lets go of his grip on me and i took that as the opportunity to run. But by the time i reached the door, he grabbed my hair and through me to the ground.


Jess should've been back by now. What couldve possible take so long just to grab a jacket.

BOSS WITH BENEFITS- LTWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt