Chapter 13

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I woke and got ready and I did my usual routine. By the time I was finished,  I grabbed my keys and made my way to my car. I sat in the car for a good 10 minutes my music playing and my thought consuming my head.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my car door. I jumped as was about to scream until I saw it was just Louis. I calmed down and unlocked the car. He got in and watched me concerned. "You okay Jess?" he asked. I nodded my head. "You're lying but you're going to tell me what's wrong either way so continue," he said. I took a deep breath and spoke. " Ashton has been released from prison," I said with a shaky breath. 

He stared at me with a pitiful look in his eyes. "Don't look at me like that please, I don't want your pity or sympathy" I said. "I'm sorry. Why was he released?" he asked. "Good behavior they said" I replied. "Does he know where you are?" he asked. "No but I have a heavy feeling he's going to find out he's going to want revenge for me sending him to prison" I said. Louis took a hold of my fidgety hands and brought it to his lips. "It's going to be okay, Niall and I can - no will help you" he said and I gave him a smile in return. "Louis I felt my tears last night, I felt them out of fear that he would find me" I said. He pulled me over the console onto his lap and held me while I cried once more in fear something bad would happen to me. "It's going to be okay Jess it's going to be fine" he whispered trying to calm me down. "How do you know that?" I asked. "Because I'm going to be right next to you through it all even if you don't want me to be" he said. 

We stayed like that for a while until I stopped crying. I got back into my seat and wiped my face. "Thank you" I said to him. "Anytime I'm always here for you remember that" he said. I smiled at him then checked the time. "I have to go soon if I want to make it to rehearsals" I said to him. "Let me drive you I don't have to go into the club today so I can stay with you, make sure nothing goes wrong" he said. I didn't have the energy to argue so I just nodded my head. Plus it was nice that he wanted to make me feel safe with this whole Ashton situation. 


We got in his car and I gave him the direction to my rehearsals. In 15 minutes we pulled up to the building. He parked the car and we walked in together. I told him to stay out here while I dance and if he wants to leave he can because I would be here for most of the day. He told me he's staying and to go and dance. 

We practiced dancing all day. When we got our breaks in between I would leave the room and speak to Louis until I had to go back. Around my third break, I saw him sleeping in the chair. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him and went back into the room and stretch running the dance through my head.

Another eight long body aching sweat dripping hours of dance later, Louis and I made our way back to my apartment. Well, that's what I thought when we pulled up to his house. "Why are we here?" I asked. "Niall asked if you could stay here for a while" he said. "Why?" I asked already guessing why. "I think you know why Jess" he said. "He didn't tell me why exactly but I already know, but he said just to keep you safe and keep an eye on you" he added. 

I bit on my bottom lip. "You don't think he knows where I am do you?" I asked him as we entered his home. " I don't know. I mean I don't know the wanker but from what you've told me I think he could've found a possible way" he said. Fear rose in me. "Hey hey, don't worry no one's going to think that you're here so your safe" he said. I nodded my head and sat down on the couch. he came back with a bottle of water and a bowl of chips. "You need to get some real food in this house" I said. He chuckled. "I don't have any clothes to sleep in" I said. "Oh um...Niall's brining some of your clothes over tomorrow, but you can borrow one of my jerseys and shorts if you'd like" he said. "Thanks" i replied. 

We watched some television for a while until i decided to shower. I took a 10 minute to bathe and slipped into the clothes Louis gave me. He might look like a small creature but his clothes a bigger than minutes. I walked back into the living room and sat back next to him. I felt his eyes on me and when i watched him I was right. "What?" i asked. "Nothing you just look good" he said. "I'm only wearing your cloth- oh thanks" i said understanding what he meant. 

We just stared at each other for a few minutes. "Fuck it" he whispered and before i could ask him what he meant, his lips were on me. I was surprised at first but I kissed him back. The kiss got heated and now i was straddling him and he was roughly but somewhat gentely kissing my neck. My hands tugged at his hair causing him to groan. Removed his Jersey off of me and threw it to the side of him. We made out on the couch for a good few minutes before the ringing of Louis' phone interrupted us. He answered it them bought his lips back to my neck. I guess we're continuing then. I pulled his head back and connected our lips together. He pulled away to answer the person on the other end. "Yeah Saturday sounds fine" he said. "Okay I will see you lads then" he said. "No Harry you can't come over tonight, im busy" he said looking at me. "Fuck off Haz....yeah.....yeah i know.....yeah mate bye" he said, then hunged up the phone and started kissing me again. 

"No no mister, you're busy" i said trying to hide my smirk. I got up from his lap, staying topless. "I'm going to bed" i said. 

"You fucking tease" he shouted as i made my way to the guest room. "Night Louis" i said.


A/N: im so tired. Thankfully my school had some sense to let school be finished early four days a week well two got some lecture shit on fridays, thursdays is for my teacher. Anywhoo Louis has an account so does Jess and there is an update page called @boss_with_benefits, on instagram so yeah.

Any whooo again. Remember to vote, comment and share ✌😘

1214 words. 

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