Chapter 21

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Edited along with the previous chapters.

A/N: so ive been reading some books and see how they have their dialogue written out line my line so in whoever pov we are in will be speaking first unless i say something different or some so.

The past few days as been hell. Louis has to help me to the shower out the shower and to change my clothes. He tells me that i should go outside of my  room for the day but i object.

I stay in bed and scroll through my phone. Jacob has messaged me asking when he can come over, but i don't reply. I don't feel like having anyone around me right now.

Louis brings me a plate of food and rests it on the bed for me. We haven't really spoken much to each other since the fight, which was totally uncalled for, but I'm not going to apologise any time soon.

I ignore the food and continue scrolling through my phone. After spending almost the whole day on my phone i rest it next to me and push the food away. I try to pull the cover over me as best as i could and fall asleep as soon my head hits the pillow.

I hear movements taking place around me but i don't move or open my eyes. I hear someone sigh. Louis.

"Hey,....yeah I'm fine. I think she's good she's still not speaking to me and she would barely eat, I'm worried about her man" he says.

I stay silent, the position im laying in right now is not the best but i would need his help and im not going to ask for that.

"I said some stupid things i shouldn't have said, I'm trying my best to help her but she won't even ask or accept any one of our help" he whispers.

"I don't know what to do"

"Yeah.. thanks mate talk to you later"

He says and exist the room closing the  door behind him.

I roll my eyes at what i just heard. I don't need his help and i can prove it. I push myself up and gently turn my body. My wheel chair is right next to my bed so i stand on my left leg first since it in a cast, and i move quickly.

I sit in the chair and wheel myself using my good hand to the bathroom. I pull my jersey of and then my undergarments. I need to tie a bag around my cast so i rip a plastic bag with my teeth and good hand and found some scotch tape in the drawers. I try my best to wrap it around each of my cast.

I wheel myself a little closer to shower and stood up before falling in my shower chair. Oh did i mention i use that now.

I turn on the shower and begin scrubbing my body.

"Jess? Jess where are you?" Louis called.

I did not answer.

The door opens and Louis stands there watching me scrub myself.

"How'd you get in here?" He asks.

"Like i said i don't need anyones help" i reply.

He presses his lips together then nods his head and turns to exist, but stops and looks over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for what i said a few days ago, i shouldn't have said those things, i don't know what your going through and i didn't mean them" he says.

I just nod my head and continue taking a shower.

"Jess?" He calls.

I look up at him.


"Could you at least let me help you with certain things,i don't maybe getting you in the shower or outside you could do everything else on your own but let me help you please" he begs me.

I bite my lower lip.

"I'll think about it" i reply

He nods his head and exists the room.

I spend 10 minutes in the shower. I try to stand up and move but i slip on the plastic bag. I fall on my bum and stay there. Tears seep through my eyes.

I cry in the shower. I'm upset with myself right now.

Eight minutes pass.

"Jess are you okay" Louis asks.

" fine" i say through my sobs.

The door opens and i look up to see a worried Louis.

"Jess" he says and come closer to me he sits next to me.

"What happened" he asks.

"I slipped" i said.

"Its okay Jess, just let me help you" he says.

I don't say anything as i allow him to lift me up and take me back to my room. He rests me gently on the bed and the proceeds to get me clothes to sleep in.

He changes me and removes the plastic bags. I sit there on the bed trying to calm down.

"Hey...look at me" he says.

I watch him through my teary eyes.

"Your going to be fine, your gonna be dancing again before you know it" he says.

I shake my head.

"What if i don't?....what if i can't dance again Lou? All my hard work will be wasted, no one even got the opportunity to see me" i say through sobs.

"Jess i understand what your trying to say but let me just say this. From when i entered the club the first time  and y'all were dancing, you were the first person i laid my eyes on. It's like when you dance everyone's attention goes to you, i saw it in you that dance is your passion so i am one hundred thousand percent sure that you would be dancing again in no time, it would just take some therapy sessions to get you there. Don't give up. Not now not then not ever" he says holding my face.

I nodd my head and rest my forehead against his.

"It's just i get scared that when im all healed and i try dancing again, it won't be the same" i say to him.

"And that could also be good Jess, if its not the same it could be way better" he says.

"And if it's not?" I ask

"I wouldn't be bad because your Jessica Oliver  the most talented smart, beautiful, stubborn, great in bed dancer i have ever met" he says to me.

I laugh at the last part but i take in his words. Maybe he's right maybe i will be better than i was.

"Okay" i say to him.

"Okay?..with what?" He asks.

"Okay i will ask for help from now on" i say.



He peaks me on lips. And another, and another and another. I start smiling.

"Thank you Lou" i say to him.

"It's nothing Jess, I'm always here for you" he says.

I give him a kiss on his lips for a few seconds.

"How about we watch a movie tonight and you can heat up some popcorn?" I ask him

"Sound perfect" he says.


A/N: aww wasn't Louis' speech so sweet. And Jess finally took a helping hand. I try to right from a dancer's pov on how they would feel if they went through something like that. Hope i was some what accurate.

Also follow my update account on ig @boss_with_benefits.

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