Chapter 23

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Niall picked me up early this morning so we can make it to my appointment on time.

We stayed in the waiting room, waiting for my name to be called. Niall has been texting away on his phone to some of his friends.

Twenty minutes later my name was called.

"Miss. Oliver?" The nurse called.

Niall got up and pushed my chair as we followed the nurse into on of the check up rooms.

"The doctor would be with you shortly" she says, then leaves the room.

"You nervous?" Niall asked.

"Kinda" i reply.

"It's just a little check up nothing to worry about you'll be fine" he says.

The doctor walks in the room and the conversation stopped.

"Goodmorning Miss. Oliver, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Nervous" i said.

"Well don't be its just a little check up to see how much progress was made with your injuries" he explained and i nod my head.

"I'm going to cut your cast open amd then have an x-ray to see the condition of your knee bones, along with your ankle and arm. Have you been taking care of your stitches?" He asked.

"Yeah i make sure to avoid the strings and what not" i say to him.

"Well i will take a look at those and if its alright we will be finally taking them out" he says.


"Im going to remove your cast now with this" he says taking out a tool that looked similar to a wood saw tool or something.

I got scared at the sight of it and he chuckles. I watch him in confusion. Why is he laughing?

"Don't worry it wouldn't hurt you see" he says as he turns it on and passes it on his hand. No blood, no cuts.

He starts with my knee, gently placing the sticks in to get a angle of how to cut it open. Then he didt the same to my hands and he remove the one from my ankle.

It felt like all three parts finally had some way of breathing again if you know what i mean.

"I want you to stand slowly and carefully, and I'm going to help you on the bed to scan your injuries okay?" He says.

I nod my head and i do what he says. I slowly rise from the wheel chair to stand on my feet. I stood on my injured knee side first then adding pressure to the injured ankle, which resulted to me almost falling.

Niall caught me in time and helped me to stand. He gently helps me to the bed as i lay down.

The doctor pulls out a mini machine similar to the normal x-ray machine. He scans my body with it and when finished said i have ten minutes to wait for it to be printed.

He said to save me the hassle that i could stay in the room until he comes back.

"You good?" Niall asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

"I dont know, i wanna feel good but at the same time i know i shouldn't because if i get my hopes up just for them to be shut down i feel i will go crazy" i explain

"I'm here with you every step" he says and squeezes my good hand.

Ten minutes later the doctor comes back in the room.

"Miss Oliver your scans have returned" the doctor says and places them on Led light board.

(Idk medical terms n all that so just try and go along with what i say alright)

"Your ankle has healed so there would be no cast for that anymore. Your knee however no so much healing we still have a few broken bones, not to get you scared they are coming back together but just a few cracks here and there, but that could be solved with  a knee brace and bandages" he explains

"Your hand i should've called you in the last week of last month to get it removed. It healed up and perfect to reuse" he adds on.

"Well thats good" i say.

"Yes very, you heal quick, now with your stiches im going to have to remove the threads from them, have you changed them in the two months since you left the hospital?" He asks.

"No, i don't know anyone with steady hands or someone with medical experience to do that so i left it" i explain.

"Its okay you said earlier that you clean them so its okay" he says.

I lay back down on the bed and roll up my jersey for him to remove the threads from the stitching then pulling it back down to sit up.

"Before you go, you're off your cast..." he says. He takes out a soft lookimg black material from his coat.

"This is your knee braces.." and he fetches some bandages. "Im going to wrap these first and place the brace after" he says.

I just nod my head.

"As i was saying because your off the cast, i want you to try practising walking, you can still use you wheel chair to get to places but because you have been off your feet for so long it might take a while for you to adjust to the feeling of walking again" he says

"I can take you to the therapy ward where someone can help you or you can try walking in here it's not much pace but it should help" he adds.

"In here would be fine" i say.

"Great i will monitor you i want you to try walking for five minutes, your friend could help you stay up if you have to" he says.

Niall steps up and helps me off the bed to my feet. I fall a little trying to adjust the feeling of my feet to walk again.

"Remember small steps" the doctor says.

I move my right foot a little then my left. I do it a few more times before it became painful by that time i think i made it to the door.

"Okay three minutes to the door not bad" he says.

They help me to the wheel chair and i relax as the pain subsides.

"I want you to practice walking at home for me okay i know it would be painful but take it slow you're not fully healed. If the pain last longer than five minutes or ten call me it would more likely occur in your knee so just small steps okay try doing that twice a day or something yeah" he says.

"Thank you" i say to him.

"My pleasure, i will give you a subscription for some pain killers as well like i said if the pain is longer than five or ten call me or you can take one of this , if it doesn't help call" he tells me.

"Thank you doc" Niall says.

"No problem, see you next month Miss Oliver" he says as we exit the room.

"See wasnt so bad now was it" Niall says.

"Shut up" i say making him laugh as we walk out the hospital building.

A/N: ik this chapter made zero sense well to me and the information was all messed up. I dont like anything dealing with hospitals and doctors no offence appreciate them alot but its just with me i dont like them. And i get creep out with information of injury and all that so if the information is messed up sorry correct me in the comments if you have to.

Second thing, im writing a next book called The Double Bet.  Its a Harry Styles fan fic coming out on December 13.

Shit i now realise louis concert is December 12 nvmr some yall wouldnt get what December 13 is so no point in explaining it.

Third my school work is biting me in my butt, so it's a lot it so much work that i dont even have to procrastinate you know?

Well okay remember to vote comment and share

Not edited at all to lazy for all thag

1357 words.

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