Don't leave

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Also ignore the fact that Jisoo's hair is red :D

* Jisoo POV when she was sleeping in her room*

'Where am I? Why is it dark? Why do I hear crying?' Jisoo described her surroundings. 'Why do I feel cold? Why is it so warm? What is happening?' Jisoo said in her mind feeling cold and warm temperature outside her empty mind full of nothing but darkness.

*When she got to the apartment*

At this point Jisoo didn't knew what to do so she ran towards the crying inside her empty void. She saw a girl. She looks like she is between 10 or 12. Jisoo asked the girl "Why are you crying?" and before the girl could answer the dark void was gone everything went white and Jisoo could hear someone saying her name.

"Dad?..where am I?" and so the short conversation started and ended. When Jisoo's dad was gone she was looking around and realized it was her father's apartment. 'How did I got sick?' Jisoo asked herself and then recalled the day she was running to her house in the rain. Jisoo sighed and thought 'I wonder who's gonna give me my worksheets.' she then fell asleep peacefully for a couple of hours.

*Jennie POV*

Jennie walked along the hallways with her gang as always but now Jennie is mad because she just had another talk with her dad about a tutor so she has been picking on a few students lately. She saw J-hope walking with his books on his arms so Jennie said to him "Hey let me help you with that." She said grabbing his books and letting it fall onto the ground. The girls behind Jennie just laughed but some of them really felt pity. "Why do you do this Jennie Kim?" J-hope asked as he has been a victim several times now and a teacher actually saw the scene and shouted. "Jennie Kim your behaviour is not allowed in this school come with me to the principal's office now!" Jennie simply rolled her eyes and told the other girls she will be right back.

"Sir Jennie Kim's behaviour in this school is too much for our students to handle!" The teacher said to the principal. "I understand. I will deal with this please head to your class now." The teacher nodded and quietly headed out. "It's your lucky day Kim." The principal said. "And why?" Jennie said raising her eyebrows. "If you don't want suspention then I want you to bring Jisoo's worksheets to her after school." The principal said calmly. "You want me to what!? No way I would go to that nerd!" Jennie complained making the principal slam his hand to his desk. "Listen Jennie I will tell your father about this if you resist my request." Jennie went silent. She doesn't want her father to scold her again after getting scolded for refusing to have a tutor. "Fine" she said in a low voice. "Good. Come to the office after school I'll give it to you." The principal said before finishing their conversation and making Jennie leave.

'Ugh great now I have to go to that nerd' Jennie thought before walking to class to just sleep in the back. When lunch was now here the other girls noticed Jennie's foul mood and decided not to question it. They know how frightening a mad Jennie is because one time Lisa asked Jennie why she was being a snob so Jennie secretly took her phone and deleted all her apps and photos. Until now they still don't know why Jennie was acting like a snob that day.

*Chaeyoung POV*

The next day has passed and I'm here trying to find Jisoo to return her umbrella only to see no Jisoo around. She decided to call her brother for not answering yesterday and so her and her brother talked through the phone.

Jimin: Ah Chae how are you is there anything wrong?

Chaeyoung: Oppa why didn't you answer me yesterday?

Jimin: I'm so sorry Chae we suddenly had early basketball practice to prepare for our game soon

Chaeyoung: That's ok oppa next time atleast message me

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