Your author back from the dead

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I'm back from a mountain of modules and a whole week of procrastination. My back hurts too easily now.

Third POV

Jisoo started to calm down Soojoo and Irene well mostly Irene since Soojoo didn't care about the whole  letting Jennie meet ger parents thing.

"Jisoo please don't mess this up." Irene said. "Don't worry unnie! I can handle this even better than you handle your company!" Jisoo replied as she ran away as if she knew Irene was going to chase her.

"Aish these children." Soojoo thought to herself as she saw the two sisters chasing each other around before she got a call.

Soojoo: Hello?

Mom: Hey Soojoo dear. How's your visit?

Soojoo: It's going great mom but wait until I tell you Jisoo has a girlfriend.

Mom: Sooya has a what!?

Soojoo: I'm pretty sure you heard me but I'll say it again. Jisoo has a girlfriend.

Soojoo suddenly heard sobering on the dial.

Mom: Little Sooya has a girlfriend now. *sob*

Soojoo: Hey! Even you didn't cry when I got a boyfriend!

Mom: That's because I was pretty sure you were gay that time.

Soojoo: ............

Mom: So when will I get to meet the sweetheart?

Soojoo: Oh please forget about meeting her might as well attend their wedding.

Soojoo said and Dara was pretty sure she could see her eye roll.

Mom: So who's the lucky girl?

Soojoo: It's Jennie. Jennie Kim

Mom: Ohhh it's Jongin's little princess?

Soojoo: You know her?

Mom: Yup! she's the one Jisoo is tutoring right?

Soojoo: Umm yeah....

Mom: Oh also is it ok if I tell your uncle and auntie that Jisoo has a girlfriend?

Soojoo: I'm pretty sure she won't allow it.

Mom: ..............

Soojoo: Mom?

Mom: I may or may not have told them and all but they're heading to the school.

Soojoo: WHAT!?

Soojoo exclaimed and it obviously got Joohyun and Jisoo's attention. "Mom why did you do that!?" They heard Soojoo yell before she proceeds in cursing. "Shit" she murmured.

"What was that about?" Joohyun ask raising a brow. "Aish it's nothing anyways I gotta go now." Soojoo said nervously before she sprinted away from the area leaving the sisters alone and confused.

Then Joohyun got a call.

Joohyun: Hello?

Dad: Where are you right now?

Joohyun: Huh? Ummm the school's courtyard.

Dad: Ok ok thanks

The phone call ended as quick as it started.

"Geez do you just hate it when people call you just to ask one question." Jin said in Jisoo's head which made the younger laugh. "What's so funny?" Irene asked. "Nothing it's just Jin." Jisoo replied before noting 2 familiar figures.

"Mom!?Dad!?" Jisoo exclaimed before she saw another figure. "Auntie Tiff!?" Irene was the one to answer and quickly Jisoo ran with all her might but her father caught up.

"Where do you think you're going not telling us you have a girlfriend!?" Jisoo's father said before it hit her. She was pretty sure Soojoo was the one that spilled the tea while she was running away from her older sister.

"That b*tch!" Jisoo thought to herself before Jin mentally scolded her. She then felt like suffocating right after her father let her go.

"Auntie Tiff not so tight." Jisoo said in her head while trying to free herself and then her elbow hit Tiffany's jaw. "Awh f*ck" she said and everyone who heard it went in shock.

"I know Tiff casually curses but I didn't expect her to do it this quick." Tayeon commented.

"So Sooya who's the girl?" Dad started to interrogate making Jisoo nervous but still looked compose.

"It's Jennie why you ask?" Jisoo said with confidence but she was internally screaming with embarrassment. "So Dara really didn't lie." Aunt Tiffany said before Jisoo cut her off. "Aunt Dara will never lie." Jisoo said not knowing the truth of how sometimes her aunt would just order food online because she's too lazy to cook.

When Jisoo said that both her parents stiffled a laugh. "Anyways where is she?" Tiffany asked and Jisoo just shook her head not knowing. "She left with Lisa a while ago while me and Soojoo interviewed her." Irene said and Tayeon raised her brow at Irene mentioning Soojoo despite her not being here.

"She left before you guys arrived so that she doesn't have to be murdered by Jisoo." Joohyun replied as if answering the her mother's question that she didn't even say.

Uyu uyu I wish I can do this
I would be preparing for death if my mother ask me questions

"Narohuto(I see)" Dad murmured.
Sorry I wanted to do that.

Everyone then heard a sudden. "Babe!" it was none other than......Seulgi since the cat is still minding her milk ice cream.

Jisoo then made this face to Irene( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But it backfired when she heard someone shouting her nickname "Jichu!". Jisoo turned around to see her girlfriend running towards her as she jumped onto her for a tight hug and everyone in the area was making this face( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Even Jin was doing it and Jisoo was red as a tomato.

Omo omo very short update but I have to many things to do sorry I'll update later.

Omo omo very short update but I have to many things to do sorry I'll update later

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Someone save me from this.......THIS IS MATH AND I AINT NO GENIUS

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