Chapter 22: It-It Can't Be

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~The party ended for Bill as soon as Dipper passed out, he must be a lightweight to get drunk that fast from a few drinks. Bill carried him in his arms, one hand under his head and another under his legs. Cradling him close to his chest as he walked down the halls with ease. He had sent Moddey to take back Gideon and McGucket to their cells before he left the throne room. Of course, more demons weren't very happy with how gentle Bill treated Dipper but he didn't care. He never once expected them to understand him whether they knew the truth or not. Either way, he was their king and they shouldn't question him or at least say it to his face.

When Bill made it back to his room he carefully placed Dipper on his very big comfortable bed, to which Dipper right away pulled on the covers. Wrapping himself in it. Bill found it funny but he knew he couldn't let Dipper sleep with his suit on. So he rolled him back towards him and carefully took off his jacket and tie before taking his shoes and left him like that. He wouldn't dare go further than that if it means making Dipper feel uncomfortable. The rest he just snapped his fingers and Dipper changed into more comfortable sleepwear. Bill then turned to leave Dipper to sleep but that's when he felt someone pull his arm back. Dipper had grabbed his arm, still very drunk so Bill tried to carefully pull his hand off his wrist but Dipper was adamant so he let out a small bemused chuckle, giving in.

"Don't go." Dipper slurred. Bill was confused as to why he would ask such a thing to him. Was it just the alcohol or did Dipper really not want him to leave? But the way Dipper painfully looked up at him, Bill couldn't help but obey his plead.

Bill changed into comfortable clothes with his magic, careful that Dipper's hand didn't let go of his wrist. He didn't bother trying to get the covers back, he didn't get cold anyway but he does like the feeling of safety the covers provide when sleeping.

Bill turned his head towards the sleepy Dipper. Bill stayed silent as he watched Dipper fall peacefully fast asleep. Dipper's hand still held onto his wrist and a small warm smile lifted his features. How adorable he was and looked blissfully fast asleep but still hilding onto him. Bill was careful to reach his other hand out over Dipper's forehead, gently brushing the hair from his forehead and tucking them behind his ears. Dipper's forehead was sheen from sweat- likely flushed from the liquor. Bill made a handkerchief appear in the palm of his hand as he gently patted Dipper's forehead dry, wiping away the sweat and then making the handkerchief disappear. He then slowly and gently pried Dipper's grip on his wrist which fell away easily in his slumber. Bill held the palm of Dipper's gently against his cheek. Dipper's hand was small and warm against Bill's cold skin. Bill gently pressed a small kiss against the back of Dipper's hand before placing Dipper's hand back gently to Dipper's side.

Bill then finally sunk back into the bed as his eyelids began to get heavier and soon shut close. Then the darkness of the room started to get to him. In the emptiness, all Bill could see is flashbacks to when Paul and his Exorcists would experiment on him, which was a reason why Bill hated sleeping. If he were to sleep he needed to make sure he was secure. Just like back then when he used to sleep inside a very small uncomfortable hole in a tree. Just laying in a dark room didn't feel secure enough even if he knew the door was locked with a special spell. He just couldn't let his paranoia go away. He looked around the darkroom and he swore he could see faces in them which caused his breathing to become rapid. Bill is the type to never admit that all the trauma he went through had affected him in some way. Never has he ever told anyone his fears were closing his eyes.

Sleeping is the one time during the day when you're most vulnerable and Bill knew that. He hated that.

After all, his parents were asleep when Paul had killed them. Bill was asleep when Paul slowly made his way into his room and snatched him out from his own bed.

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