6 : Abuse

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"Once again, this is our final destination." he said while panting.

"The view here is.... so nice." I said eyeing at the scenery, while the moon was setting up.

"Yeah it is, I spend my most time here." I nodded, not caring about what he said. While looking at the scenery, I remembered something. I look at my watch and.

"Oh my god" was the word that came out from my mouth.

"Is there something wrong Jihyun?" he said with care.

"This is bad, so bad." I murmured but I think he heard it. "Um, I need to go." I quickly walk out.

"It's just 7:30pm?" His curiosity asked.

"And that's the problem! See you when I see you!" I yelled while my hands were shaking.

*At my house*

My hands are fvcking sweaty right now to be honest. I walked to our front door and unlocked it. I swung the door open and saw my father sitting at the stairs where it was facing the front door. My father stood up and walked towards me.

(WARNING! This scene will be abusive, you can skip this scene if you're having trouble with it. But make sure to read the next part after this, don't worry I'll put a caution if the scene is done, Thank you.)

"I-I'm so sorry father, I didn't mean to-" I was cutted off when a fist swings at me. I fell down onto the floor and started crying quietly.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU BREAKING MY RULES!?" my father shouted at me. I stood up with my head facing the floor.

"I'm s-sorry f-father, I-I'm not g-oing to b-break your r-rules again." I was stuttering cause I was sobbing. I saw a glimpse of his hand and it has a beer bottle on it. This... is.. dangerous.

He kicked me right in the stomach which was the caused of I yelled. I yelled, not because of anger. I yelled, because of the pain.

He lifted the bottle enough to drunk on it, but his expression quickly change that he realized that it was not empty. "Son of a bitch." He threw the bottle at my direction and it cause to break into pieces due to the pressure when it was throwed. "Buy me some more of that shit, now SCRAM!!"

I just continued to sobbed and for response is a whimper while whispering, "Y-yes, father." And stood up.

My guard was down when I stood up and caused for me to fall due to the pain, unbalanced, and the scattered bottle pieces from the floor. I fell on my side, my cheeks and hands landed on the scattered glasses. It caused me to bleed, which I don't really care, for now.

I was now infront of a mini grocery store as I was ordered for. I walked inside, grabbed a dozen of beer in my hands.
I winced in pain, I still have a tiny glass piece at my hand. I removed it and proceed to what I am doing.

I walked towards the cashier to pay. Luckily, I still have my backpack on and my wallet in it. I opened my bag and grabbed my wallet. Shit, this is the I saved. I thought. Yeah, I save some money for me and I also wanted to buy some dress for myself since my clothes are still the same.

I gave the cashier the half of my money for the beer and the cashier looked at me, concerned fulfilling her eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks and my eyes widened. I looked around and saw halloween stuffs hanging around the store.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just halloween thingy." I replied and grabbed the beer. She nodded and then ignored.

I was now walking home, not until I felt a presence behind me, following me. I walked faster, but I heard the footsteps getting faster. I started to get nervous, but it grabbed me and had a knife pressed on my neck. God, what did I do to deserve this.

"Give me all the important stuff that you have and I don't have to hurt you." The guy whispered at my ear.

I don't want to be in pain anymore so I nodded in defeat and gave him my bag. He grabbed and saw that I was holding a dozen of beer on my hand. "And also, give me that." He pointed his knife on the beer. I hesitated, because my life lays on this beer.

I shaked my head and started walking backwards. He grabbed me in my hair and pulled it towards it. "Give me that or you're going to die right now, right here. He said right infront of my face, I didn't got to see his full face because he was wearing a mask. I was shaking when I gave him the beer. God, please help me.

He then grabbed it harshly and pushed me on the ground, then he kicked me on my stomach. FUCK MY LIFE!!! I screamed in my head, I can't scream nor stop him. He suddenly just stopped, he seemed to be satisfied and ran away.

*At my house*

I tried to be sneaky, because I know that my father will fucking kill me, 'coz he didn't get what he wanted. I walked towards the stairs, not until...

"Took you long enough." A masculine voice said behind me. My blood went cold and I became sweaty. "Where's my beer?" He asks, I turned around for the sign of RESPECT. I looked down at my feet and anxiously bit my lip. "I said where's my beer?"

"S-sorry I didn't mean to get robbed at the-" I didn't even get to finish my sentences when he punched me all over my body.

"YOU ARE FUCKING USELESS!! YOU'RE JUST A BURDEN!!!" Why? When else have I had value to you?

He was done beating me and grabbed my hair once again, then dragged me towards the kitchen. "You know what?" He said calmly, but it's obvious that he's angry due to the tightness of his hand grabbing my hair. "I don't fucking like your long hair, it reminds me of my wife." I heard him grabbing something and that's when I realized he was grabbing a pair of scissors. I cried loudly because I knew he's going to cut my hair. He let go when it was all gone, "SCRAM!!!!" was all he said after he's done with everything.

I cried and got up stairs. I ran inside my bathroom and looked at the mirror, my breath had hitched when I saw my reflection. No...

(It's all done.)

Jungwon's POV

I'm happy tonight, and I don't know why. I cheered, placing my food at the dining table. I took a couple of bites when flashbacks replayed on my mind, I smiled not until I remembered something that Jihyun said.

"First of, This is our Living Roo-" "I know, 'cause it has a sofa." Jihyun cutted me off. "Not all living rooms have a sofa, moving on-" "But we only have a sofa in our Living Room?" Jihyun argued. "Well it depends."

"Why are there a lot of cabinets here? Do you have many plates? GIVE ME SOME!"

"YOU HAVE A BIG CLOSET HERE!? AWESOME!" Jihyun yelled. "It's a mini walk in closet." I corrected.

"Does it have a meaning or is it just me?" I questioned myself, eating my food quietly.

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