Twice One-Shot: Jeongyeon's Surprise (JeongyeonxFemReader)

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I shivered as I walked through the house.

The fog from outside had creeped inside and was making it harder to see and my flashlight could barely show anything now.

I shivered again and wrapped myself up in my jacket.

I just hope it's in good shape. That fudging guy better not have been lying to me. I thought and ventured further inside.

I found a set of stairs that led up.

I looked at the blueprints saved on my phone again.

No basement. And I've already searched this entire floor. Must be up there then. I thought.

I walked up the stairs carefully.

The stairs creaked at my every step, as if trying to warn me.

Eventually, I got up to the top and looked around.

The fog had gotten up here too.

I sighed.

"This is going to take a while." I muttered and looked around to see if it was near me.

"Nope. Just great." I said before heading inside one of the rooms.

"Not here." I said as I searched each room.

Where could it be? I thought as I walked towards the last room.

I frowned when I saw it.

The door looks suspiciously well-cared for. Almost modern too. I thought.

I grasped the doorknob and quietly pulled the door open.

I walked inside to see an intact room that looked very different from the other rooms.

This is my room. I thought with a jolt.

Suddenly, the door closed shut with a bang.

I immediately turned around and saw the door had locked itself from the outside.

Curses. I thought. There's going to be a ghost behind me isn't there?

I slowly turned around and braced myself for my early death.

When I turned around, I spotted no one there.

"Huh? That's strange." I said and walked towards the center of the room.

"Welp. Better get looking then." I said loudly trying to spot movement.

I made it look like I was searching around my bed while my eyes tried to spot if a ghost came up from behind me.

I was so focused on trying to see if someone was behind me that I didn't notice the person in front of me until I bumped into their very smooth and muscular thigh.

I froze instantly.

I've had a good life. I guess this is where it ends. I thought as I slowly looked up with teary eyes.

My eyes widened as I spotted the beauty in front of me.

Fudge. I'm gay. I thought as I looked at the almost ethereal beauty of the woman in front of me as she leaned her perfect body forward and brought her heart-breakingly beautiful face a few centimeters from mine.

So close in fact, that our noses touched and our lips were very very close.

"Hello." She whispered, her luscious lips touching mine as she spoke.

The Dead's Rampage (Twicexfemale reader)Where stories live. Discover now