13 | safe place

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I opened the front door and noticed a beautiful bouquet of white lilies, sitting effortlessly on the footsteps. I picked it up and took a sniff, in which it made me sneeze. It did smell amazing though.

I suddenly heard a small giggle behind me, so I turned around and noticed Jake with the biggest smile on his face.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He tilted his head while reaching his hand out to me. I gladly took it and we walked towards his car.

"Where are we gonna go?" I looked out while Jake drove. It's not a direction I'm very familiar to, but the scenery is incredibly beautiful and fresh. We're most likely going towards the near country side.

"It's a surprise." His right hand reached over to mine, while his left hand continued to steer the wheel. My heart skipped a beat, but I attempted not to show my emotions too much.

I expected this, but not like this. You understand? He already reached beyond my expectations, and I don't even know where he's taking me. I trust him though.

I feel very secured whenever I'm with him.

"Can you give me a hint?"

"I'll give you a big one," he then went through a narrow trail and stopped. "It's my safe place."

His safe place? He's never talked about it. I began to get more curious after we got out of the car, then onto a path that leads to who knows where. Jake could literally be kidnapping me right now, but I'm somewhat still drawn to him. What's going on with me?

Why am I feeling this way?

"We're here!" Jake held my hand while helping me down so that I wouldn't slip. My eyes suddenly can't believe what's in front of me.

A small lake that reflects off the sunlight, lively flowers surrounding the whole forest, a small little swing that hangs from a branch of a tree, hanging above the water. It's almost as if this is a scene stolen right out of a movie, a wonderland; and just as Jake said- a safe place.

"How'd you find this place?" My mouth just hanged open in amazement. I scanned through the place and it just feels so euphoric. It's almost too unreal.

"My parents used to take me here when I was young. They found this place when they were in high school while taking a hike. Ever since then, they claimed it as their getaway and then shared it to me. I actually couldn't come here for a while after my mom passed away, since it brought back so much memories... that was six years ago. Although, I realized that all the memories we had here were so happy. Now I come back to this place whenever I seek for comfort," Jake shared to me and I listened attentively. "I'm sorry if I blabbered too much..."

"No, it's fine. I actually found it really interesting... I just don't know if I deserve to be here because it seems so important to you and your family."

"Well, you're important to me... and this place is ours now." He took both my hands in his and stared straight into my eyes.

"I like you." I finally had the courage to tell him.

"I like you too... so much," he tilted his head and admired me. "Can we be together already?"

"I'd love that." I smiled widely and he finally pulled me into an embrace. We spent the rest of the time chatting, getting to know each other, taking about our future. We lost track of everything and didn't even realize that time has already passed, until the sun started to set so beautifully. On this nice day, we got to share this wonderful moment together as a couple.

Please don't break my heart, Jake.

It's been broken before.




Song: TXT (투모로우바이투게더) — Magic Island

(LYRICS: they talk about a place where they found comfort in. They mention how the magic island is their start line, and everything that happened on that island should never be forgotten)

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