Chapter 1A - a new team & Chapter 1B - new people, good and bad.

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Chapter 1A – a new team

"so how are you holding up after everything last month?" Gwen asked as she managed to get a look around onyx's new room. "I'm just more concerned then anything." Onyx responded. "you won, what's there to be worried about?" Gwen asked. "we do have topaz in a cell downstairs, but unfortunately coal still got away." Onyx responded resting her head against the wall. Gwen tried to avoid the question and she was called off by her girlfriend. "got to go, I'll speak to you later. Just take care." Gwen said hanging up. Onyx just sighed and looked at the clock on her phone. "I need to get there now." She said realising she was late.

She sped down the stairs in a grey and green blur and she arrived in the room where the pods where. "am I late?" she asked. "nope just on time, there opining." Pearl responded. The pods opened and after they rubbed their eyes, the new core bearers saw that the old one's where there. One of them started tearing up and so did aqua. "is that you? I thought you were dead." The turquoise sapphire asked. "I know." Aqua responded, as she hugged sapphire. "what's going on with her?" ruby asked. "that's your sister dude." granite responded. "I know but who's the other girl?" he asked. Granite just placed his head I his hand and pearl explained that sapphire was also his sister. He walked over and hugged them both.

"it's nice to see that she found her family." The dark brown copper asked. Upon further inspection, onyx could see that that he had dark green tattoos. "yeah, it is." The almost pink glass said. The other new barer stayed silent. "you going to say something?" pearl asked "name's Citrine, nice to meet you." The very light grey with yellow hair Citrine responded. "well, it's nice to meet you all, but after what happened last month, I don't want to take any chances. Training's in an hour." Granite said as he left the room and he went to the newly changed training room on the 75th floor. Onyx just went to her room to wait it out. She texted the croup chat, but she forgot that pearl was a part of it. 'hay onyx, it's time to go.' Pearl texted surprising everyone in the chat.

Everybody went to the training room to find granite and Citrine training on separate sides of the room. "all right everybody, since the new cores are based off the original cores, you should find the original core bearer and train with them." Granite asked of the 9 person team. Onyx raised her hand "what am I meant to do?" she asked, "unfortunately you have both of the cores based on the gravity core, you can just practice." Granite said as copper walked over to him. She just looked around the room and made the excuse of "it's too small for me to be able to use the speed core effectively" and she left the room and she ran to the park.

She started with reminding herself on how to move earth, air, water and fire. When she had fully reminded herself on how to use the core she decided to experiment and to practice with in motion. She started by making a simple ramp for her to run up and at the end of it she made an air rail to keep moving. "this is getting better." She told herself as she made an ice slope to descend where she jumped through a ring of fire she made. She saw that the hood on her hoodie was catching on fire and she took the flame off of the hoodie. "I've got to be careful." She reminded herself as she noticed it was the end of the day.

She made her way back and saw that the room needed repair. She saw plants are around the room, she saw pieces of tech lining the room, the room was to bright and to dark and there was a random rain cloud in the middle of the room. "looks like this went well." Onyx said walking through the mess. "you're not wrong." Pearl responded making the cloud disappeared. "all right, sessions over. You seem to all now have a basic understanding of the cores and your powers. Your all free to go, but your welcome to stay." Granite announced and many of them left, however sapphire and Citrine stayed. "you two must be committed." He commented but onyx didn't there the rest of the conversation as she just went to the lab to work on the 10 different communicators she needed to make.

Chapter 1B – new people, good and bad.

She awoke with a gasp. Obsidian looked around to see her friends still in their pods. She got out of her pod and tried to remember the last thing she could, but her memory was empty. She waited for the other pods to open, first was spinel, then was lapis, then was marble, finally was her older brother, cubic zirconia. "are you all right after that last battle?" her brother asked "yeah, I just don't remember the battle." Obsidian responded. "they messed up your memory as well, we were fighting our fakes to keep the queen on the throne, but they were able to overpower us thanks to the cheater." He explained. He looked back to see that his teammates where still finding their balance and she turned back to obsidian. "I need to ask you a favour, I need you to spy on the fakes for the day and tell us what you find. We've been out for a week and I don't know what's going on within them." he then smiled at obsidian and she smiled back, weakly.

She left the underground bunker and she walked around the park and she found three of the 'fakes'. "I can't wait to meet Sam" Her fake said, "would you slow down, we don't have super speed." The plant barer reminded. "she's just excited." Lapis fake explained to the new barer. She followed them to the pier. In came a boat and on it was many military personal. "I don't see them." Aqua said looking around. "there they are." The plant bearer said. They saw Sam approaching them. "you look good." They said giving sapphire a look over. "thanks. How have you been over the past few months?" sapphire asked her partner. "it's been boring but I'm glad to see you again." Sam explained.

They then looked over at aqua and onyx who was standing there listening in. "you must be aqua, it's nice to finally meet you." Sam said saluting. "at ease, you don't need to do that. I do have a surprise for you two though. The king has given Sam a full stay at the citadel while they're back home." Aqua said surprising the three of them. "this is so cool; I get to stay with the king?" Sam asked, "you Shure do." Onyx responded. "aww, who's this?" they asked seeing onyx and her hairstyle and colours. "that's onyx, another core bearer." Sapphire explained and they made their way back to the citadel. Obsidian followed and saw that onyx peeled off from the group. "I'm just going to stay here for a while, I need to get a better hold on my speed." Onyx explained as she ran off.

When they arrived, obsidian hid behind the closest building and watched the trio walk into the citadel and walk through to the stairs. She waited for a few minutes before trying to go through the citadel's reception. She found a piece of string and she tied her hair up and tried to come up with a reason as to why she was wearing a dress. "hay their onyx, back from your training." The receptionist asked "yep, I'm only wearing this dress because my hoodie is soaking wet through." "no problem, just head on through." The receptionist said letting obsidian through. She walked into the stair way and she saw the vent on the wall. She walked onto the wall and went through the vent.

She walked through and she saw she needed to. She found the lab and she followed the instructions that where in her pocket. She needed to log onto the computer and take what data she could. Onyx soon returned and walked into the reception. "hay Janet what did I miss?" she asked, "didn't you come back 5 minutes ago?" Janet asked "no, I've just gotten back." Onyx responded. Janet's eyes filled with horror and she responded, "do a perimeter check, I just saw you walk through here with a dress on." Onyx understood the situation and took off.

She ran across every room around the citadel and obsidian felt the pressure to finish quickly. Although the data wasn't done moving, she had to pull the thumb drive out and she ran down the side of the building. Onyx reached the lab and noticed the window was open when she had shut the widow before she left. She looked outside the window and saw that someone with a grey ponytail was trying to run away. She stuck herself to the wall and she rolled down the side of the skyscraper and she tried to catch the person, but they managed to hide, and she knew it would take too long to look around. She ran back into the lab where she looked on the computer. She noticed that the data on her was corrupted and some data was missing but what stuck out to her the most was a secrete file that was impossible to open, it didn't even have a password to open it with.

Obsidian returned back to the bunker where she saw everybody was waiting. She removed the string and handed zircon the thumb drive. "what's this?" he asked, "I found some instructions in my pocket, so I thought they were from you." She explained. "if they weren't from me then they had to be from him" zirconia responded pointing at the unopened pod. She walked over and saw her farther enveloped in a weird liquid. "he took too hard of a hit in the battle. He's going to be in there in a while." Zirconia explained placing his hand on the glass. "I will kill that onyx." He said punishing the wall, believing she was the one that gave the finishing blow. 

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