Different ways: Part 44

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The Past two weeks were thrilling. They went out practically everyday, whether it be to the burrow, The new Malfoy Manor, Ryan's or Joseph's house, Greengrass Flat, or the island. It was better then the last two months. They Did everything they could've imagined! "You know what, it's sad this is coming to an end"Draco said to Hermione as he put a t-shirt on while she sat in bed, waiting for him. "I mean we can still do it, just not as regularly. Harry and Ron start Auror training tomorrow, not to mention your parents are also leaving tomorrow. Blaise and You are gonna begin Healer Training next week, Luna is moving out to live in her old cottage near the burrow with Theo in like two days, and I have my interview in The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures the same day Luna moves out"Hermione counted off. "We're all beginning our own lives, it's crazy"Draco told as he laid down, his head in her lap. "Hard to believe we were in School only 2 months ago, we were still at Hogwarts"She said, playing with his hair. "You miss it?"He asked and she nodded. "How could I not, that's where I met all of you, I lived there 10 months a year. And now I'll never go back"She explained to him. "Why don't you just become a teacher and work there?"He questioned. "I'll be away from you for nearly a year if I stay there on breaks. I love Hogwarts but you're more important"She said. He smirked before sitting up, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You don't know how much I love hearing that"He muttered, pulling her into a long lasting kiss afterwards.

The next morning they woke up, surrounded by distant voices. "Is that Harry's voice"Hermione questioned as she sat up slowly. "What the fuck does he want"Draco groaned. Hermione glanced at her side table and nearly jumped out of bed. "It's 10! Your parents are leaving in 2 hours! Everyone is coming today!"She snapped as she ran to the closet to grab some clothes. He watched her race to the bathroom before getting up to get dressed.

 He watched her race to the bathroom before getting up to get dressed

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10 minutes later, they were on their way down to the living room. "Sorry, the Alarm didn't ring" Hermione apologized as she sat down. "Then what woke you up?"Harry asked, grinning. "You're annoying voice"Draco snarled, leaning back on the armchair, Hermione sitting on the arm rest. "Be nice"Luna snapped. "Why should I?"Draco scoffed. "Because he's a guest"Luna scolded. "He's still Potter"Draco shrugged. "He's still a guest, He's nice to you when you go to the burrow as a guest"Luna said. "Nice?! So you don't know what he did to my food?!"Draco snapped, sitting up straight. "She doesn't need to know"Ginny said, taking a sip from her tea. "You helped him!" Draco accused. The two grinned, their cups infront of them to 'hide' the grins. "Enough now children"Molly snapped as she entered the room. "Molly you can't possibly still be mad at me"Hermione said when she noticed Molly was glaring at her. "You made my family question everything I do"Molly growled. "If you hadn't lied, this wouldn't have happened, Grow up and get over it"Arthur snarled. Molly huffed and left. "Don't take it too personal dear, she's not in the right state"Arthur said to Hermione, who smiled lightly and nodded.

"Mum wanted to come because she didn't want us to go alone, even though we're of age"Ginny rolled her eyes. "Dad won't let us sneak some calming potion into her drink"Fred said once Arthur had left the room. "It would really give us all a break"George agreed. Narcissa and Lucius entered the room, glancing around at everyone. "Draco, Luna, a word please"Narcissa spoke to her children. The two blondes stood and left with their parents. "So this whole manor will be for you and Malfoy?" Ginny questioned. "They passed it down to Draco, its his now, I'm just living in it"She shrugged. "Weren't you gonna get your own flat?"Ron asked. "I was but that was before we moved out of that Manor"She said. "Hold on, don't you guys have Auror Training today?" She remembered. "We have to be there in like an hour, We'll drop off Lucius and Narcissa at the ministry to get their portkey and we'll go for the training"Harry explained. "isn't it like 7 hours a day for 6 months?"Astoria asked. They nodded. "They only get it for 3 months because they helped in the war"Ginny said. "The work doesn't stop there, After that we have to work about 12 hours a day, for 2 weeks. They have to make sure we're still focused under stress and when we're tired"Harry continued. "Mmm"Pansy mumbled. "Hermione, me and Blaise are getting our own flat" Ginny muttered. "Congrats"Hermione smiled. "we all are actually, Astoria and Harry, Ron and Pansy, Luna's moving into the old cottage with Theo, All of us, It's crazy"Ginny added. "Draco said the same thing last night, none of us can believe it"Hermione said.

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