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S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, Washington, DC

"If Nick Fury thinks he can get his costume thugs and S.T.R.I.K.E. commandos to mop up his mess, he's sadly mistaken." Said, Councilman Rockwell.

"This failure is unacceptable...and considering this attack took place one mile away from my country's sovereign waters it's a bit more than that, I move for immediate hearing—" Said Councilman Singh.

"You don't need hearings, we need action. It's this council's duties to oversee S.H.I.E.L.D." Councilwoman Hawley states.

"A breach like this raises serious questions." Said Councilman Yen.

"Like how the hell did a French pirate manage to hijack a covert S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel in broad daylight." Pierce snarkily corrects Rockwell. "For the record Councilman, he's Algerian...I could draw a map if it would help,"

"I appreciate your wits Secretary Pierce but this council takes things like international piracy fairly seriously—" Not in the mood to take Pierce's smart remarks lightly.

"Really? I don't"

"I don't care about one boat, I care about the fleet," Pierce says strolling back and forth slowly between the silent council members

"If this Council falls to rancor every time someone pushes us on the playing field...
maybe we need someone to oversee us"

"Secretary nobody is suggesting—" As Councilman Yen was about to respond to the statement an agent walked in towards Pierce.

"Sir Director Fury asks to speak with you," they said. Then Rockwell speaks up and says "Our trouble Mr. Secretary depends on your definition." With that said Pierce walks away out of the room with the agent to Fury.


As I slipped away out of the room to another where there stood none other than Nick Fury.

"I work 40 floors away and it takes hijacking for you to visit," I say more as a statement than a question.

"In a nuclear war I would do it too," He said. We greet each other with a firm handshake.

"Busy in there?" He said referring to the recent council meeting I was in.

"Nothing some earmarks can't fix," I said placing my hands into my pocket.

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