015 | the spy

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Saturday, November 3rd, 1984

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Saturday, November 3rd, 1984

and walked to the trunk of the car where Steve pulled out two bats hammered with nails, passing one to Bea.

"You know I'm better with a gun, my hand eye co-ordination is shit,' she said and Steve just smiled at her, ignoring her comment. She led him to the cellar.

"Stay," she said to Dustin and he looked at her annoyed.

"Hey!" He exclaimed as he followed the two closer despite his better judgement.

Steve hovered over the cellar door before he turned to look at Bea for a second before looking back down at the cellar.

She saw he was hesitant as he looked at it. "I don't hear anything,' he said and Bea heard Dustin sigh next to her.

"He's in there," he said and Steve poked the thing with his bat before smacking it. Once again, no sound came from inside.

"Listen Dustin, if this is some sort of Halloween Prank, you're dead," he said, pointing his flashlight in Dustin's face. Then he moved the flashlight so it was pointed in Bea's face, "And you Bear, I you're in on this," he said and she sighed, giving up.

"Its not a prank," Bea said, walking over to the cellar with the key from her pocket and she opened the doors.

Steve leaned over her shoulder, both of them staring into the darkness. Bea could feel her heart pounding, memories from last year all flooding back in a matter of seconds.

Dustin walked over, his flashlight shaking in his hands as he pointed it down the cellar. Steve grabbed it but there was nothing down there. Bea started to walk down, annoyed that Steve didn't believe her.

"I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape," Dustin said as he watched Bea hold tightly onto her baseball bat.

Steve reluctantly followed her, pulling the chain for the light so that the room became illuminated, or at least they were able to see more.

They both stared at the shredded skin that lay on the table and then Bea walked around, her bat tightly in her grasp. She gasped when she saw a hole in the wall,along some kind of tunnel.

"Get down here," yelled Bea which made Dustin gasp but he chased her down the steps.

"Oh shit!" Dustin said as he looked at the tunnels.

"Did a lizard do that?" Bea asked and Steve turned to her.

"I should have believed you, I know,' he said and Bea smiled, knowing that was all she needed. Bea grabbed Steves arm, making him yelp as she checked the time.

"Yeah, I know, I should get home," Steve said and Dustin shook his head.

"The baby Demogorgan could get you, you should stay round ours, mum probably won't be back for a long time," Dustin explained and Steve shrugged his shoulders.

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