026 | the bite

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Thursday, 4th July, 1984

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Thursday, 4th July, 1984

DUSTIN DROVE THE THREE DRUGGED teenagers through the tunnels fast.

"What is this, the Indy 500?" Robin slurred as they hit another bump in the road, knocking Bea into a wall.

"Its the Indy 300,' he said and Bea shook her head.

"Its the Indy 500," she said and Steve shook his head.

Then they all burst out laughing, the drugs getting the better of them at this point. Dustin crashed into some bins, making Bea land in Steves lap in an awkward position.

Dustin was talking to Erica in the front, turning back to look at the three who say awkwardly in the back.

"You guys alright back there?" Dustin asked and Bea laughed, an almost drunk tone to her entire self.

"They're fine," Dustin reassured as they opened the door, Bea lying inbetween Steve's legs as he looked out confused.

"³Lets go!" Dustin yelled and Bea stepped out. They stood in the elevator, watching it move erratically, upwards this time.

Steve jumped up, Bea and Robin laughing giddily.

"You look like your surfing," Bea yelled and Steve laughed.

"They seem drunk" Erica suggested and Dustin shook his head.

"Bea doesn't drink, at all. Not after dad," he said, looking to see her giggling with Steve and Robin.

"I'm a natural, check it out," he said before falling over, knocking Bea with her.

"Wipe out," Robin yelled out with a laugh before seeing Steve smirk at Bea.

"Hi," Bea whispered and Steve kissed her, pulling her into his lap.

Dustin turned to look at them, seeing Steve run his hands over Bea's body.

"Gross," Robin yelled and Dustin shook his head.

"Hey, Steve, hands off my sister, we've got to go," he said and Steve looked up at Dustin.

"Give me five minutes," he said, kissing Bea again.

She pushed him off with a laugh and he fell to the side of her, "Not here," she said, her voice slurring a bit.

Steve rested a hand on her thigh, too high for Dustins liking but at this point they must have been drugged because this doesn't look like his sister at all.

Dustin knelt next to Bea, feeling her head, "Shes burning up," Dustin said and Steve laughed.

"Course she is, she's so hot, makes me h-" he started to say but Bea cut him off, weakly hitting his arm.

Steve tried to kiss Bea, his lips running down her neck but Dustin kept trying to push him off.

"Steve, not now, we need to check on you," Dustin said and Bea laughed.

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