Chapter 54

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I know what you did last Summer.

Hyejin walked around the mall with a quiet state, an unusual state of Han Hyejin. Yeri, Soojin, Soobin and Yeonjun were all spending their time together with her. It's been awhile since these childhood friends to go all out together. Unfortunately, almost half of them couldn't tag along as their schedules were so packed.

"Jin, yo Jin look at me." Soobin cupped her cheeks, forcing her to face him.

"Why?" She crunched her eyebrows, getting rid of Soobin's enormous hands. He sighed, stuffing his hands into his pocket.

"Thinking too much can't help you solving your problems, you may get sick." Soobin ruffled the shorter girl's hair.

"Yeah, okay. By the way, you aren't sad?"

"Why would I?"

"You broke up with Migyung yesterday, I thought you're the type of not dating any girl."

"Let's just say that I was dared to date her, thanks to Eunwoo insane ass." Hyejin shook her head, never knew the calm Eunwoo would be this crazy.

Soobin chuckled, Yeonjun abruptly butt bumping him making all of them fell onto the floor. "Choi Yeonjun!"

"Oh shit, run—"

And as usual, Hyejin ain't Hyejin if she didn't chase one of her friends around the floor. Yeri being Hyejin's number one supporter, joining the running cult embarassing the hell out of the half-normal Soojin.

"All of you, stop right there!" Soojin clutched her stomach, holding her laughters.

"Guys, let's eat macarena it's been awhile."

"Soobin, it's macaroni..."

"Yeonjun always confuses me, damn it!"

They spent the evening so well—it is their type of healing. Unintentionally, Hyejin forgot about Jeno and all of the painful problems that were around the corner. No one ever dared to fade away her smile that evening, it was always been precious to her friends' eyes.


"Lee Donghyuck, I am home."

"Okay and?"

Mark sighed, attacking the blonde haired male who was busy playing with his game. "Don't act rude to me, Hyuck."

Haechan snickered, pulling Mark onto his lap.

Jaemin, Jeno and Jisung were at their arcade area. Sometimes they forgot they had these unnecessary things inside their house.

"Jeno, Jeno move to the left!"

"No, he will crash the second player—"

"Yo, what the hell, who cut me?!"

"Lower down your voice, Jaemin. I was about to win!"

"Hell yeah, I won."

Safe With You, Lee JenoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant