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Abhi reached to office, & he found Purab already present in his cabin, he take a seat & ask to Purab..

Abhi- what happened..

Purab- why are you looking so dull..

Abhi- it's a long story I tell you later, you continue..

Purab- look I know we are looking for another investor, because Meera is not ready to take a risk, she want a something big thing on security, as per Alia, she declared your & her engagement news in Media, so that can she invest, but she greedy, & business minded person..

Abhi- so..

Purab- one investor looking for company, he wants invest his money, his name is KM, from LA, Suhani informed me about it, why can't we arrange one meeting with the person..

Abhi- look we need 150cr for our project, that project is the only one, that our name & our reputation bring back to in market again, & it's big amount, as per our past years losses makes that investor rethink, if we again waste our time on that investor then..

Purab- what we are doing right now, by chance that investor impress with us, then we will win..

Abhi think for moment & says- ok, arrange the meeting, at hotel..

Purab- today's evening, is it fine..

Abhi- ok, done..

Purab- should I fix the time six..

Abhi- sure, & one more thing, only we both are going for meeting..

Purab- ok..

Abhi- don't informed to anyone..

Purab- done deal..

Pragya busy with her thoughts in kitchen, Kiara smells some weird & she comes in kitchen, & she turn off the stove, she touch Pragya's arm, Pragya comes in reality, & she look burned veggie..

Kiara- where were you lost, is any wrong with you..

Pragya- sorry, some other things occupied my mind, I make something new, give me some time..

Kiara- relax I'm not hungry, & we can order food from restaurant, because only we both are for lunch..

Pragya- yeah, that's true..

Kiara- should I ask you..

Pragya start to clean the pot, & says- yeah..

Kiara- you've married..

Pragya nodding in no..

Kiara- so you divorced again..

Pragya again nodding in no..

Kiara- Khush is your son, right..

Pragya- yes..

Kiara- then that news about your affair..

Pragya- that's fake..

Kiara- Khush is my brother, right..

Pragya- right, but some other thing is behind that..

Kiara- tell me, what it is..

Pragya goes to open her mouth & Kiara's cell ring with the name of Luvkhush..

Kiara take a excuse from Pragya, & she pick the call..

Kiara says with happy tone- hey L-U-V Khush..

Khush smile & says- argh! Stop it man..

Kiara- by the way how are you..

Khush- I'm good, what about you..

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