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"When and where did you last see Mr. Costa?" 

"Have you had any concerns about Mr. Costa's mental wellbeing?"

"How physically strong do you feel Mr. Costa is?"

"Was Mr. Costa, at any time, contemplating suicide?"

I couldn't decided if it was a relief or an absolute outrage that they were addressing Scorpio as 'Mr. Costa.' I knew just how much he hated his last name-it bore resemblance to his father, connected him to his father. I remembered a night at the beach, the wind toying with our hair, the ocean illuminated by the eerie glow of the full moon overhead. Scorpio mentioned marriage. Mentioned changing his last name to match mine. I remembered picking at my nails, wondering how he could think of the future when the present broke apart and distorted in front of his very own eyes. And, to my remorse, I remembered peeking at my phone every now and then, wondering how Leo was doing. Waiting anxiously for a response to my many messages.

Thinking about someone I shouldn't have been thinking about.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Leo watching intently from a window, genuine concern written across his face. I didn't understand how our story went. At times, we crashed and burned. At other times, it was perfect. Amazing. Everything I could've ever wanted and so much more. But, even though all the hardships of our relationship, being with Leo was... simple. It felt like second nature, laughing and talking to him. Spending my time with him. It was effortless. Uncomplicated. 

But with Scorpio, every day was a push and pull. 

"I do understand that Mr. Costa had a run-in with illegal gangs last year. What do you recall from that time?" 

Time and time again, my heart told me to run to Scorpio. To take care of him. To rescue him. To put all my troubles aside for a boy who had experienced traumas that I couldn't even imagine. His life had been shaped through tragedy, the likes of which was enough to destroy a person. I brought out the best in him. I helped him feel, care, love. But while he became his best self in my company...

I became worse every time I was with him. 

My mental health was burning in the flames of Hell, with what a therapist would diagnose as a disorder eating away at my brain. The feelings fracturing every part of my being, the manic highs and devastating lows... 

I knew what it was without even knowing.

And I knew I needed someone to fix me. Someone who put me first. Someone who had a ability to care about me. 

Someone like Leo. 

"Did you ever catch Mr. Costa taking part in illicit activities before this?" 

"How about Mr. Costa's health? You must know something..."

"How did he interact with others around him?"

"STOP! JUST STOP!" I screamed, throwing the detective's pen across the room. She blinked rapidly, astounded, before taking my hand in her own. "I'm sorry-you must be traumatised... Such a big secret..." I sighed, looking the detective dead in the eye. "Well, I am upset and shocked by his behaviour, but at the same time, I can see why he did it. He was so strong-I could never be so resilient." The detective arched a brow. "Actually, Miss Cole, you're a lot stronger than you think." She flipped open a file labelled Libra Cole, reading through my records. "Last year, you were involved with a criminal gang. You jumped off a 70 metre high cliff, landed in the frigid water and swam a full kilometre in, according to this report, a silver mini dress and heels.

"And you recovered, both physically and mentally, from such a massive challenge. If that's not proof of your strength, I honestly don't know what is." I smiled at the detective. "Well, I'm going to get some lunch, if that's okay, and then I'll come back and answer all your questions."

Smiling, I made my way over to where Leo stood, waiting for me. 


"Are you sure you don't want me in there, Leebs?" I shook my head, smiling at Leo. "I'll be fine." I paused, wanting to say something else. "Thanks for taking me out to lunch-it was really sweet of you..." Leo tucked a loose hair that had fallen across my face behind my ear, bringing himself down to my eye level. "Libra Cole, I know you have used me over and over again to ease your pain. I know that I've been nothing more than a relieving source for you. But that doesn't stop me from loving you. It will never stop me from loving you. And even though I know that the right, generous thing to do here is let you go... I can't bring myself to do that. I'm too selfish. I will fight for you until the very end, Libra." 

Leaning down, he cupped my face with his hands, which were as soft as buttercups against my skin, before placing his lips over mine. And, despite the circumstances, I couldn't help but give into his kiss, standing on my toes. This was everything I ever wanted, everything I'd been looking for. It was so simple, blissful, so raw. There were no thoughts-just emotions. My arms found their way around his neck, drawing us closer yet. "Excuse me?"

I gasped, taking a step away from Leo. 

"Are you Miss Cole?" the nurse asked, clearing his throat. "Yes, that would be me." I bit my lip, embarrassed. "Well, we've got some... news about Mr. Costa. He's... in a coma."

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