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"Did you hear about Libra's boyfriend?"

"My sister said that she heard Scorpio did molly."

"Apparently he was a drug addict."

"Was he in an accident?"

It was impossible to ignore the whispers regarding Scorpio's accident on the first day back. From what Libra had told me, I knew that Scorpio's sister had been killed by his father, which had caused him to go rogue. Scorpio had then nabbed some ecstasy (or molly) from a rager as well a packet of cigarettes, which he had promptly gotten drunk on. The teenager had then, in a drunken fit, come down to a local race track which appeared to be deserted... which was when he'd been hit. 

It sounded like a lot to take in, both for Scorpio and Libra.

The atmosphere suddenly dimmed, loud voices lowering to hushed tones as Libra herself walked in. Her outfit screamed confidence-platform heels,  black leather-look leggings, a white turtleneck and an edgy cropped red windbreaker, but it was visible from the way she clutched her wallet, knuckles pale, that she was scared. Regardless, she walked on, letting the arrogant side of her demeanour shine through. She strutted right up to Leo, taking him by the arm. "Hey, wanna walk to Maths together?" Leo smiled, nodding, before following Libra toward the Maths corridor. "Wow, she sure looks okay," a student observed. "Well, things can go to normal now. Libra's okay; we're all okay." 

I squinted at the freshman who had just said this. What did he mean, we were all okay? The news of Scorpio's accident had rattled each and every student at Varsity High, most of all, in my opinion, the freshmen, who were just settling into high school life. But the moment Libra walked in, acting like everything was normal...

...It all became normal. 

It was obvious-Libra had an iron grip on the school. They followed her around like a herd of sheep, hung onto her every word as if it were as sacred as a long-lost religious script. Yes, she appeared to be perfect, but everyone at Varsity High knew about her underlying mental issues. How was it that even when she did things that should have been considered so controversial, she was loved and respected by everyone? 

Sighing, I slunk off to my locker, gathering my books for first period.


"...Through images, an author conveys messages to the reader using visual techniques." Rolling my eyes, I hastily scribbled down the teacher's words about picture books. "Alright class; that'll be it for today. Remember to bring in your reports for next week." Muttering a 'thank you' to the teacher, I slunk out of the room hurriedly, only to crash right into Capricorn.

"Oh, hi!" I tried, wringing my hands nervously. Capricorn glanced at my outfit, almost as if analyzing it. "I see you've returned to your usual attire." He gently brushed his hand against my cropped half-sleeved white and grey plaid tee,  which I had paired with a matching plaid skirt. I wore ankle-length brown Chelsea boots to compliment the outfit, leaning very much into my own classic yet chic fashion sense. "I am relieved to witness your recovery-I mean, I'm glad to... see... that you are okay. You're okay." Capricorn tried for a smile, which ended looking more like another one of his menacing brooding faces.

"Hey, Virgo!" Libra smiled at me, tossing her thick curls. "Wanna come sit with us?" I nodded, nodding awkwardly at Capricorn before leaving. "Well, how are you feeling?" Libra sighed, walking faster. "I mean, yes, I'm still rattled, but life goes on. Scorpio still hasn't woken up, so all we can do is wait, I guess." She sighed, fiddling with that trademark charm bracelet of hers. It was a bracelet with an adorable story-Libra had made a small chain bracelet in the sixth grade, which, over the years, she had added small charms to, marking many of her experiences. I noticed a motorbike charm, newly added, hanging off it-no doubt inspired by Scorpio. 

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