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Earth POV

I could see all my siblings gathered at the dining room.Well yeah I might over with Lady Fuyuki.Even Yukihira gulped what he saw...what I did was only Yukihira,Lady Fuyuki and me..hehehe..I didnt care who .If you messed up my family...you messed up with me.So Lady Fuyuki was in her room for rehabilitation as she traumatized what I did to her

Arez:It just punishment ok.Dont you dare to think anything else ok..

I really need explanation from those who plan this modus operand.Those who being my siblings opponents had being punished by me too..muhehehe..and they were in this dining room after being healed by Wendy.I gave death glare to them.

"Okay..you guys owe me some explanation.What the purpose of these plan.Answer me or you wanna being punish again"I asked them in stern way as I was in mama mode...hoho when mama angry..thats mean you had opened another Pandora box!.

Kira raised her hand although she shivered bit.I looked at her.She cleaned her throat before speaking.

"Well the purpose of this plan is to observe..how powerful and adapt quirk on your body.Because you got rare quirks and you guys can split like this"Kira said.

"Okay she got point there"Fire said.

I just nodded understand.

"But why you guys torture Lightning and Light.How two of them could be defeated easily"I gave a really murderoud glare to Lightning and Light.

All eyes focused on Lightning and Light who were sweatdropped.

"Well thats long story...hehehe"Light smiled weakly.

"Make it short"I emphasized short word.

Lightning gave a heavy sigh.He didnt want to reveal about his lost.He looked at us.

"Balloons"he said with blush.

"Seriously!?"all the opponents shocked.

All BBB minus Lightning facepalmed.I just sighed.Thats Lightning weakness but how Light could bd defeated too?.I looked at Light for answer.

"My tunnel and Lightning tunnel are connected and both of us..shocked we meet.and yeah...theres Lady Fuyuki came nowhere...she pretended as a fans of me..I fall into her trap..and she also hold some balloons made Lightning terrified.So both of us being knocked out by her..hehehehe"Light explained.

All minus Light and Lightning fell animely.

I couldnt believe it two of my strongest siblings still fell with that low trick after few years.Ugh genetic i guess.Still i was puzzle how she knew our weakness.

Lady Fuyuki came to the dining room.Look like she was okay..

"I guess you know bout AFO right Earth?"she asked me.

I just nodded seriously.All Might had told him that AFO was a monster..his ability was took and receive someone quirk..made him so powerful.

"I guess Im not expose all my power yet"I said to her.
"Yup but theres time you probably use that power.Anyway..I know who you really are.. or should I said Cadet Boboiboy from TAPOPS"she chuckled.


"How?"all of us shocked.

She then asked her underlings to leave them alone for privacy moment.They nodded.Juvia whined bit as she had to leave her beloved Water.I just chuckled.
She then asked me to return back into original form...Boboiboy form.


I still cannot think properly...how Lady Fuyuki knew bout TAPOPS..I guessed i never told that except mom and niisan.
Seriously who was Lady Fuyuki was?

I sat oppossite her at dining table.Curious!

"I am one of Captain of TAPOPS"she said.

"NANII!!" I gasped.

I could bet all my elemental power shocked too!.

"Before you asked me if im humanoid or alien..im am human ok.Besides Im come from here.I become one of TAPOPS because of I accidently meet your father,Amato during his mission here"She explained

"So thats mean..theres power sphere here.That mean I can go back?"I asked her.

"Im sorry I think that took times because this dimension coordinate had been changed due that war"she said.

I gasped.Thats mean I would be here forever?..Thats why my power watch cannot communicate with others.This dimension coordinate had changed..but what kind war that made changed of coordinate.

"What kind war that made change of dimension coordinate"I asked her.

"A war between former user OFA and AFO"she said in serious mode.

I gasped again.All Might had told me..that there was an armageddon war years ago.A war that caused lot damage of hero society..

A war between dark and light!

The seventh user of OFA,Nana Shimura versus OFA.!

"Dont tell me that..."I shocked.

"Yes..that war had changed everything include this one.So theres no chance you can go back into your dimension.Even a telerportation quirk couldnt achieve that.I had tried before.It useless..so think wisely"she explained to me before leaving me alone at dining room.

I was speechless..

Thats mean I wouldnt meet them anymore...

I then cried...a despair crying...

At the beach...

Lady Fuyuki cried as much as she wanted.A cried of happiness and sadness.She was very happy because she meet Boboiboy...

"You didnt tell the whole story right..Lady Fuyuki"Kira stood beside her.

"I couldnt..thats hurt Kira..I just dont want to lose him...isk..isk.."Lady Fuyuki knelt on the beach sand.

Boboiboy bin Amato....actually her son!

Yo Arez here..yeah new chapter.Hope you like it..well this chapter quite emotional bit.. i tried ok he2..sorry if it kinda dull



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