Chapter One

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When Jungkook was four years old, he was clinically diagnosed with OCD. His kindergarten teachers had pointed it out to his parents. How he would have nervous breakdowns if things weren't in the order he wanted them to be, his concerning "habits" like sliding the chair in and out two times before sitting down or having a panic attack when he almost stepped on a crack in the sidewalk.

"Possibly anxiety, but I believe it's something more serious: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder," his teacher had said to his indifferent mother and irritated father, "I've written down his behaviour from the past month, it would be wise of you to take him to be evaluated."

To keep the teachers and guidance counsellors off their case, they eventually took him to a child psychologist.

He was specifically obsessed with keeping things symmetrical, in order, and later on, he'd find himself irrationally terrified of germs. As a child, he would have to take his own crayons to school because the last time he used school crayons, they were messed up and the colours were everywhere. Sometimes he would reorganize them in ABC order, but neither organizations satisfied him. He would spend hours reorganizing if his parents allowed him. It irritated his father. That along with his odd behaviour.

This, however, proved him to be very intelligent.

Sadly, he would go without eating as a consequence of not being "normal"; if his food touched, he refused to eat it and his father refused to believe his completely normal son had a mental illness and therefore, wouldn't allow Jungkook's mother to make him a new plate.

"You'll sit here for twelve hours it that's how long it takes for you to eat your dinner," the mean man would say.

Jungkook never ate it, but he would receive a harsh beating if his father was up to it.

Sometimes, he'd have panic attacks if he got mud on his shoes, he hated animals, babies, and even other kids. As a result, naturally, he became a social pariah. Then later on he was diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder and depression and was soon taken out of school to be homeschooled.

Jungkook never grew out of it as his father had promised — though, the promise was more to himself and his mother rather than Jungkook. He, instead, learned to deal with it. Obsession after obsession, loneliness, depression, irrational fear, dark thoughts.

Jungkook had weird "phases". Some of them were innocent: at some point in his life he couldn't go any mornings without having whole wheat cereal and exactly five sliced strawberries; others weren't so innocent. Like now, his obsession with a very special human being...

Jungkook stared at his laptop, waiting for the password tab to pop up. He typed in his password and another tab immediately popped up telling him he had six new messages. A small smile appeared on his face when he read the messages from fans of his online stories. They asked if he was a profiler, a detective, a law student, etc. They were asking if he was willing to write about other murder cases, if he'd ever do a face reveal, etc. He received a lot of attention from the essays he wrote about this particular person along with his not-so-formal works. A normal person would call them fanfictions but Jungkook thought that term was very elementary.

It was deeper than a silly fanfiction.

He replied to some questions, simply denying their questions on if he's in law and ignored the rest. No, he wasn't in law, he was simply an eighteen year old with a handful of mental illnesses that no one liked or loved — not even his parents. His online identity was bloodobsessed and he had a follower count of about 200 who interacted with his blog with great fascination and even messaged him from time to time. Then again, anyone who wrote such deep, detailed, stories — love stories — about a psychopathic serial killer was bound to get some type of attention. Luckily, most of it was positive or general curiosity.

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