Hide and Seek

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|Chapter 40|Asen|

"You're it, the rest of us will hide while you count to, hmm, let's say 150. Once you finish counting I'll start the timer. If you don't manage to find me and the others within an hour, you know what we agreed on, got it?" Mikey gave Melissa a rundown on how this will work.

"I have to find the others? Aren't you the main one I have to find?" She gave him a dirty look.

"Well, you can't play hide and seek with just one person right? You're smart, aren't you? This should be a piece of cake, you know this school better than me, I don't even go here so the chances of me finding a good hiding spot are low," he shrugged.

He's trying to butter her up by calling her smart...this sneaky little bastard...he's a genius!

"Okay, you're right, I'll find you in no time. Everyone get ready to go hide, make it a little challenging for me, I can't just win within the first 5 minutes."

The plan Mikey set was in motion. Her ego was boosted and that will throw her off once she realizes that Mikey is a boss at hide and seek.

"Alright, start counting so we can get this over with," I yawned.

This is pretty boring, I want to go to Joshie's house and hang out.

"Starting," she declared beginning to count while we all scattered.



I made my way to the PE storage room knowing that it was empty today since there was a game away from home and the PE area was unoccupied.

"This is a great hiding spot, she'll never find us here!" Asen cheered.

I immediately turned around.

"Good call Joshie, I would have just hidden behind the boy's bathroom."

He reached to turn the door handle but I stopped him. He gave me a confused look and I shook my head.

"Why not? Is this not the hiding spot? Was it a different place?"

I shook my head again.

I feel bad, but at the same time, if we hide together, the chances of being found will become high and it will make it a lot easier for Melissa to win.

"I don't get it," he let go of the doorknob.

I gestured for him to leave and he realized what I meant.

"W—Wait, you want me to leave? You don't want to hide together? Why not? Do you think I'd give it away?" he looked so sad.

God damn it.

I tried to give him an apologetic look but I think I did a bad job.

"Okay, I get it." He turned to leave and I was about to stop him but I didn't.

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