Chapter Seven

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"This day just keeps getting worse. We're lost! AGAIN!" Gurgle shouted.
"Oh, calm down, Susan knows what she's doing. Right, Susan?" Jake looked up at her.
"Yep, ya said your little clown friend and spikey fish are being held at an aquarium in New Zealand right?" She asked. They all nodded.
"Well, there's good news and bad news. Good news, we made it to New Zealand!" Susan explained happily as she pointed to the New Zealand Aquarium sign.
"YES! WE MADE IT, GUYS!" Sebrina cheered with the others. That happiness and motivation was short lived suddenly.
"Attention sir, we've got a three star whirlpool coming from the east. We're gonna have to ask you to get your boat to a dock immediately." The radio on the boat beside them explained.
"Aw, dang it! Now how am I gonna find my boot?" The man on the boat mumbled as he looked at his one bootless foot.
"There's the bad news." Susan flinched.
Sebrina sighed and slapped her fin against her forehead not long before hearing a low rumbling sound. Everyone looked around wondering what it was before hearing the man panic, start his boat and zoom away.
"Wow, that was mean of him." Dory mumbled.
"Guys..." Nemo mumbled in shock.
They all turned around to see a giant whirlpool heading towards them really fast! Unable to move in time, everyone screamed as they were sweeped up into the whirlpool.

(Gotta sweep sweep sweep! XDDD)

Nemo screamed, Dory started making obnoxious whale calls, Gurgle cried for his mommy, Bubbles screamed until he saw bubbles circling around, Deb screamed until she found a way to look at her reflection and then screamed again once it went away.
"Turn to the edge everyone! We're gonna burst ourselves outta this!" Susan shouted.
"Hey, I was gonna say that." Sebrina mumbled.
Not realizing she was to close to the edge, Sebrina was shot out of the typhoon at a quick speed and went out of sight in a matter of seconds.
Same thing happened to Dory, Jake, Bloat and Gurgle.
Suddenly, the typhoon started slowing down and it shot everyone out through the surface as they screamed. Everything went white.

(Don't yell at me, I don't know how a whirlpool goes but that's how I'm going lol)

Once Sebrina could see again, she looked around frantically as she could only see a giant pile of rocks and a group of kelp. None of her friends were there.
"Guys? Guys?! Where are you?!" She called out. No one answered.
"*Groan* Brilliant." She sighed. Sebrina then turned around and accidentally swam into the rock pile not long before hearing voices not to far from there.
She hid in-between some rocks in the rock pile as she saw two electric eels slowly swim past her. She slightly gasped in shock and horror.
"Where do you think he went?" One eel asked.
"How should I know? This was the last place he said he saw him." The other explained.
"Well, I'm just hoping Fang and Paul don't bale out on the deal. I'm getting hungry." The first one looked at him.
Sebrina listened carefully, confused on who Fang and Paul were.
"How many did he say we could have?" The second one asked.
"Pretty sure he said about a third of them since Spike sent us that message from the phytoplankton that he's bringing fish to us so... I'd say about 5 each?" The other one answered him. Sebrina could not believe what she was hearing. This was a trap set by Spike and his gang and no one else knew except her!
"Fang also said to leave the clownfish to him. He hasn't had a clownfish since the day he ate someone's wife." He continued. The other eel looked at him in confusion.
"Didn't you hear? A real long time ago. He ate someone's wife and kids and left him by himself!" Both eels laughed.
Sebrina immediately felt heartbroken. Coral really was dead. What would Marlin think?
"And get this...he told me that his friend Paul ate a clownfish who actually thought she could get away with her stupid friend!" They both started laughing as Sebrina became very scared and angry, knowing exactly whom they were talking about. Not taking it any longer, she swam out of her hiding spot and swam away as quick as she could. Suddenly, the eels stood right in front of her.
"Well well well...look who it is." One smirked.
Bursts of electric strikes started shooting out of them as they swam closer to Sebrina.
"We can't have any witnesses now can we?" The other laughed.

As Dory, Jake, Bloat and Gurgle looked around for help, they started calling out everyone's names.
"Susan? Nemo? Sebrina? Anybody?" Jake called.
"*Sigh* I'm getting sick of this! We're lost ONCE AGAIN! This is all Sebrina's fault! If she would've let someone ELSE in charge maybe we could've-" Gurgle immediately regretted saying anything as Dory looked at him with an angry look.
"Now, don't you talk about my sis that way! Your lucky I can't remember what she did but I know it was for a good cause." She explained.
"She's...your sister?" The three asked.
"Yeah, I didn't even realize that until I found our parents." Dory smiled.
"Well, I'm sure that once everyone finds the aquarium again, we'll all meet back up there so let's just start with that." Jake smiled.
"Sounds fine to me." Bloat shrugged.
"Hey uh...can someone help me?" Someone asked from a distance.
"Peach?" Bloat and Gurgle asked as they all looked around.
"Yeah uh...I kinda got stuck in-between a rock and a hard place." Peach explained.
"Keep talking! We'll follow the sound of your voice!" Jake called out.
"Sir, I can talk all day about one tiny, simple thing. Pretty sure I'll keep ya busy." Peach laughed as they looked around for her.

(Well, I kinda ran out of ideas so if this story seems to short to ya, let me know some ideas and I'll write them down cuz my idea chamber in my brain is completely empty at the moment XD)

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