Thirty Six

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Harry Styles

It's Max's birthday. I completely forgot about it until Aubrey said something last night when I was at her place after going Christmas shopping to be seen by the paps. Since he's one of the biggest directors in the business, that calls for a huge party. A party I have to go to with Aubrey, Louis, and Zayn.

One of the hair and makeup artists from the movie, Mary, is back in business for the day to work on the four of us. She set up shop at Aubrey's house since the rest of us live in apartment buildings, making her place the most spacious.

Louis, Zayn, and I all walk through the unlocked door at the same time, Mary already working on Aubrey on the living room couch while she sits on the coffee table. Charlie runs up to my feet the second we walk in, clawing at the material of my jeans. He really likes me for some odd reason. He never leaves me alone when I'm here. He's always been this way, but it's been more apparent recently.

"Hi!" Mary kindly waves at our arrival, pausing her work on Aubrey's eye makeup for a brief second to acknowledge us.

She has short black hair and looks to be about 20. I don't know much about her since I'm not one to make conversation while getting ready like I'm sure Aubrey is. I think she's new to all of this, but she's good at what she does.

Louis' eyes scan the place since he's the only one who hasn't been here before, observing tile flooring of the kitchen along with the book-filled hallway as the meowing cat follows behind me.

"Can you shut that thing off?" Louis tries to wave him away.

"I think he likes Harry." Zayn smiles at me since he knows it'll bother me to point out how an animal likes me.

"Shut up." I shake my head at him.

I sit down in one of the white chairs by the couch, Zayn going to the other and Louis sitting on the arm of it as we patiently wait our turn for makeup. Charlie jumps into my lap, making me huff while everyone else chuckles about it.

"Okay, he likes me. Happy?" I don't push him off, letting him sit on my thigh so he doesn't freak out or anything.

"He's starting to like Harry more than me." Aubrey giggles with her eyes closed, not wanting to mess up Mary's work as her eyeshadow is being put on.

I don't know why he's so interested in me. I don't do anything to try and get his attention. He just gravitates to me. I don't know how to handle it since I've never had a pet. I just let him do what he wants and try not to disturb him so he doesn't throw up on me again.

Zayn makes kind conversation with the two girls the entire time, Louis and I calmly sitting and listening. When Aubrey's done, she gets up to go change into the tailored outfit Danielle sent for her.

The three of us then get our light makeup done and hair styled, us taking a lot less time to get ready than Aubrey. Once Mary's finished with all of us, she says goodbye and lets herself out. The three of us then separate to change into our provided outfits.

I'm wearing some black pants with white vertical stripes, a black button-up that I only actually button to the bottom of my butterfly tattoo, and a black jacket over it. All of my chest tattoos are on display how I want them, my eyes running over everything in the mirror of the guest bedroom.

I wish I didn't have to go tonight. I'm not really up for it. Especially with my newfound cleanness, nothing about a party seems fun in the slightest. I know I can always drink or smoke, but because of all that my body has gotten used to, it doesn't really have the same effect on me.

I take a deep breath and smooth out my outfit, then make sure my hair looks okay. I adjust the cross necklace around my neck and stare into my own eyes for a brief minute, ready to get this over with. I then turn to leave, Aubrey's presence making me jump a little as she stands in the doorway.

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