Chapter Twenty Seven-Part 1

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Michael POV

It was finally happening. Years of treatment, years of blind hope all coming to an end. The truth was not something I could go around; there was no loophole, no shortcut. The truth was, I was dying.

When I was 11, I was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia, also known as CML. I didn't feel sick at first, and the doctors said it might take months, even years for the symptoms to appear. When I was 14, it got really bad. I underwent a successful stem cell transplant, and that worked for a while. It turns out though, that my white blood cells were just too stubborn. I relapsed again when I turned 16.

Chemotherapy wasn't something I ever wanted. I knew it was moderately successful with leukemia patients, but the side effects were something I didn't want to experience.

We moved to England a little before my seventeenth birthday, for non-chemo research treatment. Unfortunately, it didn't work. My days were now limited.

I knew I had to tell him. I should've told him earlier, but it's not something you just announce. "Hey Harry, yeah look, I know I'm super young and inexperienced, and I'm kind of dying of Cancer, but wanna date?" That would've gone so well.

Truth be told, I didn't even know I was gay. I never had the time to worry or even care about what gender I was attracted to, that was until I saw him sleeping under the tree that afternoon.

Harry was beautiful. Anyone with eyes could see how incredible he was inside and out. Dating wasn't something that was supposed to be in my cards! I wasn't supposed to have a future, let alone fall this hard, this quick for another guy. It wasn't fair.

Somehow, somewhere, whatever God there is above, decided to play with me. Sure let's give the kid cancer. Wait, how about we make him gay too! Oh and you know what else? Just as he's dying, let's make him fall in love!


I was somehow, in some twisted card of fate, already absolutely, immeasurably in love with Harry Styles.

I once again stood at the face of dorm number 22, ready to accept whatever fate becomes of me letting the truth fall out. Letting out a shaky sigh, I hesitantly knocked on his door that unforgettable afternoon.

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