Chapter 37

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We both arrived at a small motel. Clay went to the front desk to get us both a room while I waited in the car. As two unemployed students, this was the best we could do. The beachfront places costed too much money so we just got the cheapest one that seemed the least sketchy. It was already dark. We took a nap at the bench earlier and awoke just in time to see the sunset from the ocean cliff.

Clay suddenly knocked onto the passenger side window, making me jump. "Get your stuff," He muffled through the glass.

I reached to the backseat to grab my backpack that was filled with my essentials then followed Clay. He annoyingly jiggled the keys in his hand as we made our way to to the room. The only thing you would see when you looked up at the sky besides complete and utter darkness was the shining moon.

When we got to the room Clay struggled to open the door.

I stood there waiting for him, "Are you gonna open it?"

"It's hard okay," Clay rolled his eyes as he kept on struggling. He pushed against the door with his weight before it finally opened.

Clay and I both threw our bags onto the floor right before throwing ourselves on the queen sized bed.

"Wait we gotta check for bed bugs and shit," Clay giggled as he quickly got up out of the bed.

After quickly checking the bed we concluded there were surprisingly no bed bugs.

"Y/n," He peeked out of the bathroom as I sat on the bed on my phone, my back against the headboard.

I turned to him, looking away from my phone.

"You know, this's pretty should join me or whatever." He tried to play it off casually.

I laughed, shaking my head, "Fuck off! Go take your musty ass and shower."

"Y/n," Clay sat on the motel bed, his head rested against the wall while his back was to the headboard while staring at me.

"Hm?" I put down my blow dryer, just after blow drying my hair from my shower.

"Remember that time in like 4th grade when you got in trouble for the first time?" He chuckled.

"God, that was so fucking embarrassing." I jumped onto the bed, sitting right next to him.

He smiled thinking of the nostalgia, "And you cried so fucking much and I had to eat lunch and have recess with you because you wouldn't leave me alone."

"Oh my god shut up, don't bring those horrid memories back." I giggled as leaned my head back on the wall, but I miscalculated the distance between me and the wall and hit my head on it. I hit it so hard that there was an audible thump against the wall.

Clay bursted out laughing, "I could tell that hurt!"

I rubbed my pain aching head as Clay laughed at my suffering. I couldn't help but giggle too. I leaned my head against the wall again, this time with more caution and doing it lightly.

"I forgot to ask you, are you a virgin?" Clay said out of no where with his full chest.

My eyes widened, "Whatdidhesayy-"

Clay's cheeks became flushed as he lost his confidence and started getting nervous, "W-well..uhh."

"No," I chuckled, teasing him. "I'm not," I chuckled again. I turned to him, "You?"

"No," He smiled to me. "I lost it in 8th grade."

"WHAATTT???!!" My eyes widened again, "DAMNNN, you were getting pussy that young."

"I really regretted it," He awkwardly laughed, "You?"

"Freshman year, I guess we both were too young." I sighed, remembering my regret, but at the same time felt comfort on how we could relate to each other, "I regretted it too...."

Out of no where he shifted closer to me, went for my scalp, and sniffed me, "Damn, you smell nice."

I bursted out laughing, "What the fuck!" I threw a pillow at him.

He started bursting out laughing too. We both started laughing so hard. His smile and cute laugh was so adorable.

The laugh died down, but we still looked at each other, with large smiles on our faces.

The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }Where stories live. Discover now