Chapter 10

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It's been a week since our giant fight, people talked about it for a day or two and then it died down and no one cared anymore. Clay and I haven't put in effort into talking to each other. We just scoot our chairs as much as we could apart from each other in class. There was now always a big gap between us and everyone knew why because, I mean, we did that in front of everybody.

After math ended I went up to Clay and asked him, "Can we talk."

"Yeah, why?" Clay gave me a weird face.

We both walked into a nearby classroom in silence.

"Should I close the door or?" Clay looked back at me then the door waiting for an answer. I ignored him so he just closed the door.

"In a classroom? Wow, you're getting brave y/n." Clay laughed, "Never expected this out of you."

I bonked him on the back of his head, "No dumbass, I'm gonna talk to you about the journalism project."

Clay rolled his eyes, "Okay?"

"I'm gonna ask the teacher if I could switch partners, I can't stand working with you." I put my hands in my hoodie pocket, "And I think you agree also."

Clay looked weirdly disappointed, "Why?"

"The fuck you mean why, I just told you why. Last time we tried working on the project it ended with you ditching me. You seem like you hate doing this more than me."


I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean, 'well', you're the one being a bitch." I sighed, "I'm trying to be the bigger person, here."

Clay let out a small passive aggressive laugh, " 'bigger person' my ass, suck it up, we can't do that to Mrs. Nat."

I scoffed, "And why so, huh?"

"Sh-she put time and effort into these groups." Clay stuttered, justifying himself.


His eyes widened, "SHHHH people can probably hear us."

I took a step back from him and put my hands on my face, trying so hard not to slap him then and there again, "NOW YOU'RE CONCERNED WITH PEOPLE HEARING US?! Let's not forget about how you went up to me and decided to pick a fight in front of everybody."

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry, god." He rolled his eyes. "I was just angry that day."

He didn't even try to sound sincere.

Clay shook his head in disbelief, "You're the one bitching around, this is your fault why we can't do this. GROW UP!"

I can't believe he is trying to act like I'm the crazy one here, "ME, GROW UP?! YOU CAN'T EVER SEEM TO THINK OF SOMEONE BESIDES YOURSELF! YOU ONLY THINK OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS AFTER THEY'VE DONE DAMAGE. YOUR SO GODDAMN DENSE!" I took a step closer to him, our eyes locked onto each other. The grin disappeared from his face, my eyes red with fiery.

I raised my hand to slap him, he grabbed my wrist. He scoffed, "Oh come on, you really shouldn't hit people, y/n." His grin appeared back onto his face as he inched his face closer to mine.

I stood there in silence, my hand frozen, his grip still on it.

I tugged my hand out of his grasp and took a step back. I was still in silence, standing there, looking down to the floor, a blank expression on my face.

"Y/n?" I worried look suddenly appeared on Clay's face, "Are you okay?"

"Have you forgotten?" I looked back up at him, a tear threatening to travel down my cheek. I let out an awkward laugh seeing his face. "What you did back in middle school, have you forgotten."

Clay looked down, ashamed of himself, "Y/n."

"Don't make me feel sorry for you," I started to leave.

Clay looked up, "It was a long time ago, I'm different now, I'm just joking. I'm so sor-" He watched me as I walk out of the door before he could even finish his sentence. "She left," he sighed, "I can't blame her."

"Y/N!" Clay ran as he followed me out of the school.

I ignored him and kept on walking as Clay followed me.

"Y/N!" Clay grabbed my wrist.

I tugged my wrist out of his grip, my back still to him, "What do you want." I turned to him, I grabbed onto my hair, "Wanna pull this again?!" A sarcastic grin lit up my face.

Clay then stood there motionless.

He ran over here and can't even think of anything to say, "I'm going now," I turned back and started walking to the parking lot.

"I-I'm sorry about yesterday, no, I'm sorry about everything." Clay stubbornly admitted.

I stopped walking again, "You really think I'm gonna accept your apology like that?"

"Everything in the past too! I'M SORRY OKAY!" Clay shouted.

"At least try to be sincere." I walked away.

The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz