Chapter 18

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We all panicked, as mere children, we had no idea what to do.

George started groaning and moaning in pain.

"DUDE STOP MAKING IT SO SEXUAL!" Nick screamed at George as he was placing napkins on George's nose.

"I'M IN PAIN I CAN'T HELP IT!" George sat there on the ground in agony.

"WHAT DO WE DO?!" Terra shouted as she frantically paced around.

Terra and Nick jumped down from the ledge to George earlier while Clay and I were busy laughing our asses off.

"GUYS STOP LAUGHING THIS IS SERIOUS!" George demanded, shifting his eyes up to me and Clay who were dying on the ground.

Clay shouted trying hard not to break down laughing mid-sentence, "WHEN SOMEONE ASKS YOU ABOUT HOW YOU BROKE YOUR NOSE YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO SAY THAT YOU WERE 'PLANKING'!" Clay and I started dying on the ground even more than before.

My stomach started cramping from how hard I was laughing and Clay's wheezes definitely didn't help. 

"Can George still walk?" I shouted, my laughter dying down.

"I broke my nose not my legs, idiot." George snared looking up at me.

"Wow, George is so nice!" I laughed.

"We'll take George to the nearest hospital or something, you guys go to a teacher and tell them that George broke his nose." Terra looked up from her phone after googling what to do.

Clay started complaining, not wanting to be with me. "Why do we have to stay together, why don't I go with you guys?"

Terra chuckled. "I'm pretty sure it's obvious why." Terra looked at both of us who were still up there.

"Are you insinuating that we're lazy?!" Clay acted offended, to which I started acting offended too.

Terra chuckled.

Clay and I were walking back to the bus to see if there was still a teacher there or someone around there after parting ways with Nick, Terra, and George. 

I stopped walking and looked around us, "I think we're going the wrong way." I noticed how I no longer recalled the path I was walking on, "Clay are we lost?" More trees were starting to become prominent.

Clay also started looking around. "I don't think so..." He seemed unsure.

"Dude we're lost aren't we, fucking dumbass." I shoved Clay by the side of his shoulder, almost making him fall down on the road.

"It's not my fault, you didn't pay attention either, dumbass." Clay pushed me back.

"How the fuck did we walk this fucking far and not realize that we were lost." I kept on looking around to try to pinpoint where we were even though it was pointless at this point.

Clay took out his phone, trying to google where we're supposed to go or find a map or something to help us. "God fucking damnit."

"What," I looked over at him.

"No service." He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"If you weren't so fucking dumb we probably would've been there by now." I glared at him.

Clay's jaw dropped in offense, "You're acting like this isn't your fault too!"

"Well maybe you shouldn't hav-"

"OKAY! Let's not argue again." Clay sighed, "Let's just go back and hope that we're correctly retracing our steps, okay?"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine."

We turned and started going back.

I kicked a small rock that was on the side of the road towards Clays direction, "Didn't you used to be friends with them?"

"Who?" Clay kicked the rock back.

"George and Nick," I kicked to the road.

"Oh...yeah..." He awkwardly let out a laugh.

I looked to the side opposite of the road, I noticed that I could see the ocean, "I don't see you hang around with them anymore, in middle school they were always with you."

Clay cleared his throat, "We just....drifted apart. 

I nodded to his reply. 

I felt my legs starting to get sore, "Anyways, how long have we been walking for, damn."

"There's a bench right there where we can sit." He pointed to a bench that faced the ocean about 20 feet away.

We both sat down at the bench, looking at the ocean. We were on what looked kinda like an ocean cliff. I watched the waves crash onto a rock. 

I turned to Clay who was also watching the water. I let out a small smile seeing him.

Wait what, snap out of it, what am I thinking? I'm supposed to hate this mother fucker.

The wind brushed against us, swaying the long blades of grass to the side. The sound of the waves were so calming. The coldness of the wind unfazed me, I was too busy staring at the sea.

"You know, we should get going now-" Clay looked down at me, realizing I was sleeping on his shoulder.

He let out a tiny giggle seeing me. He took off his jacket then put it over me, grinning at how cute I looked.

His grin disappeared, "What am I doing...I don't deserve her..."

The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }Where stories live. Discover now