Chapter 3

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"Goddamnit, I'm late." I stared booking it to my math class, which was down a couple halls, it was the next day.

I quickly slowed down as I approached the classroom. I felt a bump on my shoulder, I jumped. It was Clay, he ignored me and walked into class. Wow thanks dude, real nice of you to apologize man!

Noticing that everyone was already sat down, I rushed to me seat as quietly as I could. Journalism, I only took this class because it was the only one left available that I didn't totally despise. Though I am god awful at anything to do with writing I'd much rather do this than choir. The class wasn't that bad, our teacher was this sweet lady, Mrs. Nat.

"Hello class, today I'll be talking about our project and giving you guys you're pairing." She smiled, "I think you guys might like this one. I'll be choosing someone you can pair with that I think you'll like and have a great time doing this project with. Once I'm done calling out names you'll sit next to whoever you're with each class until the project is over. Our project will be about a place that is meaningful and holds the dearest value to you or someone or something else. I know it sounds simple, but there's a lot you can do with this project and I hope you guys really enjoy doing it."

I love project.....if I did it alone. I don't have any friends in this class so I'm screwed one way or another. She started calling out people's names in pairs from her list.


Hearing my name, I quickly shifted my attention to her. "Please be someone smart, please be with someone smart, please be with someone smart." I prayed to satan.

"-and Clay."

My heart dropped, WHEN I SAID SOMEONE SMART I DIDN'T MEAN THIS MOTHER FUCKER! I glanced at Clay quickly from across the class, Clay glanced quickly also, our eyes met. We both froze for a second like a robot malfunctioning. I looked back down at my lap awkwardly, acting like we didn't notice each other.

After she called out everyone's names Clay moved to where I was sitting. I want to just go and ask the teacher to change me to someone else, but I can't do that. I feel like I'm crushing her spirits, she was so happy.

I took a deep breath, I guess I gotta suck it up and deal with it.

"I can't believe I'm with her," Clay mumbled under his breath, but apparently he didn't mumble enough because I could hear well what he was saying.

"Thanks dude, me neither." I pulled out a fake grin like he did yesterday.

Clay scoffed, he was filled with rage, but managed to keep it in.

I took a deep breath, "So, any ideas of what we could do?" I turned to Clay, trying not hide my deep desire to slap him silly.

"No, but I'm guessing I'm gonna have to carry this project." He glanced at me then in my opposite direction.

I sat there shocked, wow, the bravery of this man, now I wanna strangle him to death, "So what you're saying is that you think I'm dumb?"

He carelessly turned to me, gave me a look, then back, tapping his pencil on the desk.

I sighed, "Let's finish this project now and get it out of the way as quick as possible so we don't have to see each other."

Clay ignored me, guess it's his turn to do that now.

"We'll meet tomorrow, Saturday, at 1:00 pm, at the front of the library, okay?" I turned to him to see his back to me. I rolled my eyes, "OKAY?"

"Sure, whatever." Clay kept on tapping his pencil.

The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }Where stories live. Discover now