Chapter 19

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"You were asleep for so long I was starting to think you were dead or something." Clay knocked on my forehead with one of his knuckles as I laid in on his shoulder.

I looked around, forgetting where I was for a second. 

He knocked on my forehead again. "You know you drool when you sleep."

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I jumped out from the bench, dropping his jacket that was once over me to the ground. 

Clay chuckled, "You're acting like you weren't the one who fell asleep on me."

I frowned in embarrassment while rubbing my forehead because it hurt.

Clay smiled then picked his jacket off the ground, tossed it to me, "Wear this, you were shivering earlier." He started walking on the side of the road, hopefully, back to where the bus was.

I followed him, "I don't need this, why would I want your smelly ass clothes on me." I reached my hand out to give it back to him.

A giant gust of wind blew.

"Wear it, I know you're cold," He glanced to me, pushing the jacket back.

"Don't do this because you feel bad for me, I thought you hated me. Have it back!" I reached out my hand again, still refusing to accept it.

Clay pushed the jacket back again, "We could be walking for, lord knows, how long, put the jacket on." 

I nudged the jacket on him, but he still refused to take it back, "I genuinely don't need it, don't feel bad for me, have it bac-"

"JUST WEAR THE FUCKING JACKET OKAY!" He shoved the jacket to me. He took a deep breath, "Put. it. on."

"Sheesh dude, chill." I hesitantly put on the jacket. "You sure, you're not gonna be cold?"

"I used to be a highlighter kid, I wore shorts in the winter, I can handle anything." He turned to me and grinned.

I giggled, "God, that phase was scary."

Clay tried not to laugh, "Didn't you used to have that One Direction phase?"

I smiled, feeling the nostalgia of back then, "I couldn't tell if you hated them or not."

"I kinda liked them, but I never admitted it." He laughed. 

"Remember when you were about to get me that Harry Styles cardboard cutout? I'm still angry you didn't get it for me." I frowned.

"That shit was so fucking expensive, I'm not rich." He looked at the ground, shaking his head.

"You could've at least got me the One Direction bedsheets." I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

"Stoppp," He laughed, pushing me.

I giggled, "Hey, I'm serious here!"

After walking for another 10-15 minutes we finally saw something we that we recognized. 
As we kept on walking we went more into the small town, recognizing more and more things on the way. We were now walking on a sidewalk with a bunch of small shops lined next to each other.

"I still can't get over George breaking his nose over...'planking'....that shit was so funny." Clay started cracking out laughter.

I started laughing like crazy again as flashbacks of George's fall played in my mind.

Clay glanced at his phone, "We got about a less than a quarter of a mile left until we get there."

I looked across the street, I saw Fin and his friend group. I quickly turned to look at Clay, but he just kept looking forward.

I'm supposed to hate him, what am I doing. The guilt came in again, I really need to get it off my chest. I can't just ask Fin to stop beating up this dude up. Like, 'hey bro you mind not beating up this Clay dude, thanks bro.' the fuck. I would sound so stupid. Maybe I can ask Terra or something, I don't know. I'm in business that I never should've been in. Maybe I should tell Clay that I know, wait no that's weird, I don't know...

"You're doing that thing where you're staring at me again," Clay smiled, looking down at me, "You obsessed with me or something?" He chuckled.

I looked up, realizing I was still with Clay after forgetting where I was for a second. "Shut up," I shoved him.

The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }Where stories live. Discover now