Chapter 21

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When we got back to school it was already 5:30 and we were all dismissed to go home after getting off the bus.

"You know, you've changed..." Clay and I were walking home together.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" He gave me an unsure look.

"Good," I shoved him, "You're not as much as a dick anymore."

"So that means you forgive me?" He lit up.

"...not answering that." I giggled.

He laughed, "You're mean."

"CLAY!" I heard a male voice shouting from probably around 20 feet behind us. I looked to Clay, his face looked like it was going pale and blank.

He's being so weird.

I turned back to see who it is, but not before clay gripped onto my jawbone, turning it back to see his face and only his face.

I was so confused, "Wha-"

Out of no where he took my arm and started booking it, dragging me along with him.

"CLAY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I managed to shout out as we ran down the street.

Clay gripped his hand tight on mine, seeming like he wouldn't let go even if his life depended on it.

He didn't reply to me, just kept silent. "CLAY!" I tried to get his attention.

He looked back at me as we both ran, his hand on my arm as I aimlessly followed him.

"Clay?" he still didn't reply so I just kept on running with him.

I didn't even recognize where we were going at this point. Everything around us was blurry because of how fast we were running, all I saw was the back of Clay.

This man was so fucking fast. "CLAY WHERE ARE WE GOING I'M GETTING TIRED!" I half-shouted between tired heavy breathing.

Clay suddenly stopped. 

Not realizing that he stopped, I kept on running and I slammed onto a nearby wall. 

Clay wheezed, seeing me smash into the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?" I shouted, appalled by his speed and sudden urge to just drag me along with him as he performed an olympic sprint.

I looked around to see where we landed. "Dude what the fuck?" I looked around in heavy breathing because we just ran so fucking fast, it looked like we were under a highway bridge. "You know where we are?"

Clay smiled, looking around, "I think."

I bonked him on the back of the head. "What was that for." Why the fuck are we all the way over here.

"'s fun?" He started walking to try to find a way back to my house or at least a street that we recognized.

I crouched down to catch my breath, "You think that was fun?"

He looked back at me, already about 10 feet away from me, "You coming?" He started walking again.

I looked up, realizing that he was leaving. "Wait!" I caught up to him.

" know your way back, right?" We both walked on the sidewalk.

"Duh," He quickly glanced at his phone that had a map out.

I think I know why he ran. I recognized that voice.

"....Clay...." I awkwardly mumbled.

"Hm?" He turned to me.

"...I-I...." I tried to mutt it out, but there was only an awkward silence.

Clay let out an awkward laugh, getting nervous, "Y/n?"

"Clay..." I took a deep breath. "I..well...I kinda..." I stuttered.

He patted my head. "Just tell me, it's fine."

"Stop, I'm being serious," I frowned, taking his hand off my head.

"Then tell me then." He shoved my head to the side.

"Clay...." I took another deep breath. I closed by eyes in nervousness. "I know...." I quickly let out.

"Huh?" He turned to me, his eyes looking into mine.

"I know that thing...w-well...I..." I stuttered again.

His eyes look focused on me, they look like they're trying to comfort me or something.

"I know about that...uh...Fin thing..."

Clay looked confused for a second, he frowned trying to understand what I was saying.

"I was the one that carried you back from the..." I took a second to look at him, to see his emotions that were on his face. "From the parking lot..." I glanced at him again. "I carried you on my back." I chuckled, remembering how heavy he was. "Clay?"

"Oh...." his eyes fell down on the floor. "I'm sorry you had to see that." 

"No, no, no, no, it's fine!" I panicked. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I felt a feeling of worry seeing him look sad or worried or something. 

My words rushed, smashing into each other. "I'mfriendswithhiscousinIcantellherto-"

"Chill...." He chuckled at my sense of panic and worry. "It's fine...just forget you saw that," He muttered, looking down.

This is so embarrassing

"I can't though... It's been eating me up inside for so long." I sound so selfish now. 

He smiled to me, "It's fine...I-I can work it out" 

I can't make her worry about me. I don't deserve for her to even worry about me. 

"Clay?" He went quiet for a second.

He looked up at me, putting his smile back on, "It's fine, don't worry about me. I can work it out. It's all good" he grinned at me again, ruffling my hair.

"Hey!" I took his arm off of my head.

He was already walking again. 

Damn, this guy is fast.

I started catching up with him again.

The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz