Chapter 16

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I slowly opened my eyes, my vision still blurred. I woke up from the small bumps the buss made while moving. My sight started clearing up and the sound of talking started coming to me. I looked around, I turned to my right and saw Clay next to me. I slowly started realizing that I was resting on his shoulder as he rested on my head.

"OH MY GOD!" I jumped, seeing Clay right next to me,

Clay jumped at my sudden shouting, "Huh?" he breathed out, still half asleep. He quickly realized he was resting on my head as I rested on his shoulder.

"Ewww, gross" Was my first thought and I bet it was Clay's too

It suddenly got so awkward between us. I mean, we just slept on each other, what the fuck. I slowly scooted away from him as much as I could for a two person school bus seat. Clay also scooted closer to the bus window until there was a small but noticeable empty gap between us. It was like the aftermath of the fight all over again, but this time awkwardness instead of anger.

After a couple very awkward minutes Clay finally had the courage to say something.

"Why'd you leave yesterday? Like u kinda just stopped talking in the middle of your sentence and just told me u had to leave and then continue to leave." Clay laughed, "Is this payback for what I did last time when we were working on the group project?"

"Well I...well I," I tried to think of a lie quickly, "I remembered that I had to pick up my nephew from school." I lied.

"You're an only child, y/n..." Clay gave me a weird look.

"Well like my cousin's son, like it's nephew..but not." I quickly lied again.

Clay seemed unsure of my answer but took it anyways, "I mean we're now officially even, I guess so I could let it slide."

Clay sounded like a little brat, "Sure," I gave him a sarcastic smile.

God, I really need to confront Fin or Terra something about that. Wait no....that was none of my business, I'm going to pretend I didn't see that. No I'm just being a bad person. Nah, dude deserves it. This is probably going to be an endless debate that I'll have with myself.

The last 10 minutes of the bus ride were awkward and just us on our phones. When we got arrived at the beach the bus parked at this random parking lot. When we all got out of the bus we were all lectured by some teacher that we had to behave ourselves because we represent the school or whatever. Honestly, no one paid attention or cared. We also had to be in groups of 4 or more because the school didn't trust us, which considering some of the classmates I've seen I'm not even surprised.

Terra ran over to me so we could group up together. We needed one more person so we just waited for some random person or group who needed more people.

After about 5 minutes people started leaving to explore the beach town and Terra and I were just waiting for another group then some random chaperone shoved us into a group with fucking Clay and 2 other dudes.

"God fucking damnit, why do I always have to be with you." I murmured so only Clay could hear.

"I'm asking the same thing dumbass." Clay rolled his eyes.

"Hello, I'm Terra," Terra greeted them both happily but awkwardly at the same.

"Hello, I'm George."

It was some weird ass British dude. Of course his name is gEoRgE that's the most British shit ever, his full name is probably KiNg hEnRY DaViDsoN tHe tHiRd or some shit.

".....hi...I'm Nick." He shyly let out.

"Hi, I'm y/n..." After that we all fell in awkwardness.

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