When You Found Out He's Cheating✅

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Ok. I know I take way too long. N I'm sorry😩💜


It's been another night of him going out in the middle of night with his friends, leaving me alone in this house. Sometimes I wonder what is he doing with his friends at this hours but Jungkook always told me that everything is alright and he just hanging out for a drinks.

I try not to thinks bad about him nor his friends but Mingyu always give me a bad vibe making it hards for me to let Jungkook out with them. As a wife, I don't want to be a clingy and overprotective one. I'm scare he might feel annoy to be with me. Besides, we promised to trust each other at the day of our vows was made.

Hugging myself, I let myself distract by watching movies and scroll through social media. Two hour passed, I glances at the clock showing it was 2 in the morning. "Where is he..." I mumble lowly. My hearts feel uneasy. I had a bad feeling and the results of it was making it harder for me to fall asleep.

A minute later, the sound of front door unlock catch my attention. I quickly stood up and went there. A relief sigh left my lips as I saw Jungkook walk inside the house. There he is... He walk inside with his shirt half unbutton and eyes slightly open. "Jungkook"

I call out his name slowly. As I approach him, I squint my nose in disgust. His smell was reek with alcohols. His breath stink. "Gosh kook, are you drunk?" I ask holding his arms as he couldn't even control his body. "What? No..." He mumble and let his head fall on my shoulder.

Yep. He's drunk. I help him walk to our bedroom and help he to sit on the bed but he do it in another way as he flop his body on it. "You have to change" I say and try to take his shirt off but he hold my hands preventing me from doing so. I frown, "stop... We did it already" he whines and let his head fall back. I was confused but let it off thinking he still isn't in his right sense.

As I manage to take his shirt off, I'm about to take off his silver necklace which he love to wear but stop when I spot something that make my heart aches. There's a hickey on his neck. And it was a fresh one. My breathing start to get heavy as thousand of thought gather in my minds.

"Is he... Is he cheating on me?"

Taking a step back, my mind couldn't stop making a thoughts of him with another woman behind my back. How could he? A tears slipped down as I quickly wipe it off. I couldn't believe this. Why must he do this. Aren't I enough for him?

I couldn't stand facing his face and went out grabbing my jacket in process. I walk alongside the dark streets. By now, I don't care on what will happen to me. I just want to get this off my mind. The cold breeze hit my skins making me shivers a bit as the road was totally empty.

For once, I feel a total disgust with my own husband. Never in thousand year would I thought he was this low. Jungkook was cheated on before when he's in college and since then he told me that he hate cheater but now... He's one of them. A chuckles left my lips as another tears fall. Staring at the wide road in front of me. My body relax.

"What should I do?" I asked myself. "Y/n?" A sudden voice make me flinch as I turn to the figure. "Eunwoo?" My eyes widened. Eunwoo is our neighbors. "What are you doing out here?" I asked. "I have insomnia, and it's hard for me to fell asleep" he answers and question me back but I stay silent. Eunwoo understood my situation.

"Hey look, snow is here" he said catching my attention as I look up and gasped in awe. "It's beautiful" he nodded and smiles. I glances towards him only to be met by his side look who's smiling widely letting his hands free to reach the snow's falling. He's handsome.

Without realizing, we ended up spending the night together by talking and joking around. "I should go now" I said as Eunwoo nodded smiling at me. He pull me for a hug and whisper something to my ears. "Head's up and be strong. On whatever you've been facing" his words make me calm. I really need it. And I thanks him for that. "Goodbye, see you soon Eunwoo" he wave me a goodbye as I did the same.

I walk inside my house and look at the clock. It's already 8 in the morning. I guess I was having a really great time with Eunwoo and forgot about my real problem. My thoughts got interrupt when a sound of someone slamming their hands on the walls caught my attention. "You think I didn't saw you? Spending a night with our neighbors?" Jungkook shout standing across me in the living room with his jaws clenched.

He was wearing another shirt and his hair was tidy. He already cleaned up. I chuckles seeing him making this attitudes for no reason. "At least I didn't do anything with him unlike you" I spat and walk past him. Jungkook frown hearing my words and grip my arms stopping me from moving.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "You think I'm dumb? I fucking saw the hickeys Jungkook! You spend every night out leaving me alone and came back with your neck fulls of another bitch marks!" You yell out loud making he lose his grip on your arms.

"N-no y/n... That was a mistakes!" You scoffed, "are you kidding me Jungkook? I trust you all this time, I let you went out there leaving me alone without eve complaining" I pause "and this is what you repay me? What am I to you Kook! I'm your fucking wife!" My voices lower as my tears fall again.

Jungkook look down. He try to hold your hands but you yanked it away.

Jungkook pov

My minds started to fill with guilt. I know what I did was wrong. But I wasn't in my right mind when it all happened and I fall for a wrong way. I let pleasure lead my minds and now... Y/n surely gonna hate me so much. "Y/n listen" "No! I'm done, with all of this!" She again yelled

"It's just a one night stand!" She laugh out of nowhere. "Well it is for you! But for me? You're fucking cheater!" Her words hurt me deeply. "I need a break, from all of this... From you. I don't even know if we can even be together anymore" y/n sniff. "I just couldn't look at you in the same way" with that she walk away.

"You know what you were doing and you know it will hurt me but somehow that still didn't stop you"

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