When You Have an Illness✅

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When you have an Illness

You saw how he was standing alone in the balconies. His mind is on another places, you know how hard it is for him yet.. for you it's harder. You've been diagnosed with lung cancer a week ago, and the doctor said your chances to live isn't that much.

And the worst part is, Jungkook was there.. hearing and witnessing every single words that came out from the doctor's mouth. You remember how he cried for almost every night. How he would tried to not break down in front of you. Still, you saw everything, you saw how he would cry his heart out alone in the guest room.

You saw how his eyes softened when he look at your pale faces. He indeed a strong person, he didn't want to make you remember the illness so he try to act like nothing happen.

Still again, you know everything, how he would crush every medicine of yours and mixed it with the meals. Your lips curve a smiles when you remember how he would kiss your head and telling you that he love you every single night. He was more stronger than you.

When you're here crying and wanting to die, he's there trying his best to gave you a normal life like you wanted. Slowly, you make your way towards your husband. Gently wrapping your arms around his waist.

"What are you thinking?" You lowly asked, resting your heads on his back. Jungkook smiles lightly when he feel your touch. Deep inside his mind, he wanted to pull you towards his embraces, feeling you more closer.

But his heart denying it, afraid he might hurt remembering every single warms you gave. "You" the words left his mouth. You blankly stare at the grounds, still with your head on his back. "What is it? Tell me" you calmly said, wanting him to let it out. Jungkook let out a breath.

"I wonder why? Why you? I'm not perfect, I did mistakes too but why must you be the one to suffer from all of this? Why did the person I love the most have to leave me?" His voices cracked. You can feel his heart beating loudly as he speak. He was furious, he was afraid and weak to handle all of this.

One by one of his tears fall. You remain silent, why? Because you don't even know how to answer all of his questions.

"I love you Jungkook, and even if I wasn't here with you.. doesn't mean I left you, I'm still here" you bring your finger and point it to his chest. "I'm deep inside here.." he turn around making your eyes met his brown one. His nose was red, lips trembling.. he's crying. And it's the first time he did this in front of you.

"I thought I'm strong.. but I'm not" he mumble pulling you into a hug as he tightened his grips around your waist. "Tell me how? How am I going to live and standing here without you by my side? How am I going to breath without you holding me tight?" This time, your tears fall.

Funny how your mind changed, from wanting to die now you afraid to it. You afraid and refused to believe everything. Cause right now, what's matter the most is the man in front of you.

"Move on" that's what you wanted to say. Yet your heart beat you up. Of course you want him to move on and live happily even without you. But your heart hurts every time you thought about him walking around with another woman by his side.

But also deep inside you know, this isn't the time for you to be selfish. Jungkook need to live his life happily. Even though it is with another woman. You smile and pull away, looking straight into his eyes. "Jungkook, no matter with or without me by your side.. you deserve to be happy, even with another person" he frown

You raise on your eyebrows when he suddenly cupped your cheeks with his palms. "Jeon Y/n, you're my one and only wife. I married you because I love and care about you... And whatever it takes, I'll be by your side and no one can ever replace you" he said firmly and gently kiss your forehead.

No matter how much it hurts he wanted to be there with you. No matter how many question bombings his mind, he still wanted to stay with you. He vows to be yours and you vows to be his. Both of you promised to protect and love each other until death do both of you apart.

Hurt, pain can be heal. But scars stay forever. And Jungkook himself know, once you leave. He will be worst, but right now.. nothing matters more than you to him.

He wanted to keep more memory with you. He wanted to create a lot of moments with you. Soon it will hurt him but also soon it will heal him just by looking at your smiles.

"You're my love"

"My lovely wife, Jeon Y/n"

Two  month later

" I love you.. rest in peace princess"

The End

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