Psycho Boyfriend✅

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"Kook let's sleep" I heard my girlfriend, Y/n calling out my name as I quickly walk towards her figures. She was laying on the bed letting her hair fall down reaching her shoulders. I stare at her faces before taking a sit besides her. "Why aren't you getting ready for sleep?" She asked, yawning as her body felt exhausted. I shakes my head and caress her faces.

"Sleep first love, I need to do something important" she frown, taking my arms and hugging it. "Why are you always busy? I want to spend some times cuddling with you" she whined, mumbling the words while resting her head on my arms. I chuckles and peck her forehead.

"Don't worry, it won't be long... Sleep first" I whisper to her and slowly pull away from her. I stood up and walk towards the living room. My smiles faded as I look around the room, making sure that everyone wasn't here.

I pull the cabinets that's filled with the frames of my love one revealing a secret door. A smirk appears on my faces as my favorites smells linger through the room. Blood... I walk inside the room and my eyes went straight to something or should be said someone that was hang on my favorites tools.

He sense my existence as he gather his strength to open his eyes and gave me glares. A chuckles left my lips, "sorry for interrupting your sleep... Yoongi" he look at me with hatred as he tried to move his hands that was tied to the sides of his head.

"You bastard!" He suddenly shout, I look at him amusing. "Why are you so mad?" I said, giving him a teasing frown. "You're fucking psycho! must be the one who killed Hoseok. I knew it!" He spat the words as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"That was his fault. He's the one who keep on being near my girlfriend!" Rage take over me as I heard his name. "Y/n deserve him more than you! You're a killer!" I look at him with my dark eyes as I walk closer to him. Grabbing a knife, I twisted it around my fingers. Yoongi lqwook at my actions with scared faces.

I smirk seeing him scared. "You know... It's such a nice moment seeing him cries. Maybe you can do that too?" Yoongi eyes darkened as he suddenly spit on my faces. I laugh a bit and gave him a glare, within a second the knife that I hold dug deep inside his stomach making his mouth gasped open.

As I done taking care of Yoongi's body, I take a shower and went to sleep. Holding y/n closer to my body. I wrapped my arms around her waist and feel her warms

"I will never let you go"

Y/n pov

I woke up only to be greet by my boyfriend's hands caressing my faces. "Good morning love" he said, giving me a smiles as he keep on looking at me. "Morning" I mumble and stretching my arms out after a long slumber. "Today I'm free, wanna do something together?" He asked, my faces lightened as I gave him a grinned.

"Let's have a date and dinner outside!" Jungkook chuckles hearing my words as he nodded and stood up "Go get ready, I'll be waiting downstairs" I grinned widely before standing up and went for a shower.

Throughout the days, both of us went to an arcade, watch movies and spend a lot of time walking around the mall. It's about dinner when we both arrived to a small restaurant near the beach.

"Today is the best day of my life... Thank you kook" I said and hold his hands. It really was a great moments... And I got to spend it all with you... "You're my one and only love, I'm happy if you're happy" his words make me smiles sadly. Only if you're normal... We probably won't have to be apart. Maybe we can already make a great partner or even... a parent.

Jungkook frown seeing me. "Love... What's wrong?" He asked and sit closer towards me. He hold my palms finding them cold. "Why are you nervous?" He knew that I'm always ice cold when I feel nervous. "Jungkook... I love you" he peck my cheeks and pull me closer "I love you more princess" that's it, I pull away and look at him one last time "and I'm sorry" that words make him confused as he look at me frowning.

It didn't take any second as sirens started surrounding us. Police car park all around us, Jungkook look around him in shocked. I quickly back away leaving him standing there alone.

Within a minutes, all the guns are pointed at him. Jungkook faces turn from a shocked to a smirk. He suddenly laughed out loud catching me off guard. I bring my arms to wrapped around myself. I feel bad... But it's wrong to let him did all of that. He's a criminal y/n, remember that. I lift my gaze to look at him only to find him looking at me with his dark eyes.

I gulped in nervousness but soon a hands wrapped around me pulling me closer to his embrace. It's Taehyung... "It's okay y/n... You did a right things" he whispered and hugged me. "Jeon Jungkook, you're under arrest for murdering victim Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi" the officers shout and asked his man to handcuffs Jungkook.

Jungkook gaze never left me as he got dragged into the police cars. I let out a deep sigh. All this time, I've been hearing, breathing the same things as him. At night I could heard creaming and metallics smells around the house. I knew he was a psycho all this time...

The End

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