Losing You Part 1✅

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Halo and welcome to new readers!

It's been so long since I've updated, thank you for those who stayed!

Wishing you all a happy new year🤍


I remembered the first time we met. It was in the campus's music studio. The only place that was empty most of the time. You were alone with your guitar. Practising your chords. And I was there in the room crying my eyes out because I failed the test.

I knew it was your place to hang out, I know that's where you sit all afternoon. But somehow, it was the same place I spent the day. You never noticed me, maybe because I always hidden in the corner or you just don't want to be bothered. Still,I don't even know your name or who you are.

But there's always you, alone with your mind.

You didn’t notice me until the very last chord. The notes hung in the air, and my breath caught in my throat as you stopped playing, then turned towards the door, looking around. As your eyes finally met mine. You looked surprised and shy to see someone else in the room where you had sat all afternoon.

“I’m sorry,” I started. Your eyes widen but you quickly snap and clear your throat "I can leave if you want" you replied but I shook my head no. I hesitated for a while "Can you... stay? play me more songs"

you paused, shocked by my requested

soon continue with a nod, smiling gently, then resumed to your previous position, facing away from me. But that didn't stop the tears from running down my face anymore. As you began to play again, a single tear fell down my cheek and rolled along the neck. I didn’t even know why I still crying. I just wanted to feel better.

And I did.

After a while of listening and wiping my tears. I felt myself start to get better. My heart was still racing, but it was less now.

I remember your phone ringing and you answered it. I listened as you spoke, your voice soft yet confident and filled with kindness. Then the call ended and the silence returned. But this time it wasn't awkward. In fact, it became comfortable. "what's your name?" I asked when the silence grew too long for comfort.

You didn't look at me. Instead, you focused on your fingers. They were long and thin, yet nimble and quick. "why should I tell you?" you said

weird, but I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. "Well, I'm Y/n" I said as you continued to play the guitar. I could hear the smile in your voice when you answered me back.

"you can call me Jungkook" you replied. You then started strumming the strings, and it almost sounded unreal. The sound sent chills down my spine. I loved every second of it. Every single minute of it.

I was staring at you for so long that your eyes were almost closed, you must have been playing a mutiple songs, on the guitar you were holding in a comfortable way. After what seemed like an eternity but was actually around twenty minutes, you stopped, letting your hands rest gently on the instrument.

"Nice to meet you Y/n, but I have to go" you said softly but I was shocked, how you suddenly said my name makes me stumble in my place. You stood up, looking towards me with a small smile on your lips.

"Don't cry, you can always try again"

you said, giving me a small nod making me travel my eyes away, embarrassed to stare into yours. Slowly, you walk out leaving me alone. A smile makes their way to my lips. Meeting you was a blessing I couldn't dream of. I remembered wishing for us to meet again...

And my prayers were answered.

We met again. You and me. At the same places and the same time. We started getting closer, I used to tell you about the songs I love and you always listened. All those songs you wrote, you never failed to amaze me with your talents. You once said the music is a door to your heart, and a path to your dreams.


You were the first person I let into my heart, although we just knew each other for 3 months. It seems like a sight of you are always the one to heal me, even when it wasn't romantic at all I still cherished every moment of it and would never change a thing about it.

"you know, music is the true form of magic" you said, your gaze still on the site of your lyrics. "It is so powerful that it can make the person forget their reality" you continued. I stare at you then back towards my laptop's screen. "And eventually, lost into the melody" strange, but I keep on listening to you. Even when your words are sometimes confusing, I find it interesting to listen to.

A small smile appears on your face and you glance at me. Your eyes hold an emotion that I didn't see in a while and I wonder how could that be? I think that was one of your more attractive traits, or that was what your words made me believe.

Suddenly you grunt, holding your head still in pain. My eyes widen in concern, maybe you got a headache, or maybe something wrong. "Are you okay?" I ask, looking at you in panic. You nod, but still hold onto your forehead with the other hand. When you look up again, I see that you have tears welling from your eyes, which makes my worry grow even more.

"Hey, is something wrong? Are you feeling well?" I ask again but you only clear your throat and wipe your tears away.  It seems like you're trying to compose yourself because of the pain in your head. "I'm fine, maybe it's just because I'm exhausted"  you say in a whisper, which means it wasn't really a lie. The way you are standing and breathing right now is not exactly great either. I notice some sweat forming on your forehead and your skin tone isn't good at all.

But it seems like you didn't want to talk about it and I don't want to sound insisted. "I think you should get some rest... let's go home first, we can meet again later" I suggested and you nod slowly. You still held your forehead but it looks like the pain went away for the most part. I help you pack your stuff as we walk towards campus's car park.

When we reach there, you offer to drive me back home but I quickly refuse. "Just go home Jungkook, you should also stop writing and get some rest" I suggested.

Your frown slightly shows that you aren't happy about me being this caring person towards you, especially since we didn't know each other that long. You start walking towards the front door before looking back at me one last time with a small smile. "You should get going then...I'll meet you later" you told me. Then suddenly, you were gone. Leaving me wondering why I'm still thinking of meeting you later.


To Be Continued

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