Losing You Part 2✅

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That was two days ago and I haven't seen you around campus. I tried calling you but you never answered your phone, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I was starting to miss your company and your presence. What if that is love? Love is such a weird thing. But still, there is a slight hope inside my heart, despite how much I hate to admit it. You don't seem to love anything except music. Maybe I am too attached to you or maybe you only talked to me because I'm friendly?

No, no, no, no, that is wrong. I shouldn't think about this kind of thing. It would be selfish of me to even consider it when you don't show any interest at all in me. No matter how many times I told myself, I know it isn't true. We've known each other just for a few months and nothing special has happened between us yet. If anything, it makes me more curious about you.

I stare at the last time I texted you this morning, "where are you?" It may seem simple but actually I was worried. Did something bad happen? Or did you simply ignore my text? Either way, I wanted to make sure that you are okay. But when I looked again this morning, there were no messages. 

Not a one word from you. Which means that you didn't read it. I sigh deeply as I lean back against my seat. It hurts me when you won't reply to me, but I don't know if you're busy or you were ignoring me. At least I still know that you will show up soon enough. Until then, I'll wait patiently. For both our sakes.


Eventually a month has passed, and I haven't seen nor heard anything about you. The same applies to the others at school. I tried asking the head of the music department about you but he only shook his head with a sympathetic smile. He claimed that he was unaware of anything that happened. However, he did mention that you were always late and had been absent in the past months.

The reason behind your absence is still unanswered, which makes me confused and sad. I try to hide my feelings but it's hard when I miss you so much already. Campus's studio seems strange without your presence. It's usually calm and soothing but somehow it feels empty without you. I miss having you around everyday, even if we barely talked.

A sudden knock  breaks me out of my thoughts. For a minute a thought of you walking through the door appears in my mind. However, the knocking stops shortly after, and I realize that it must have been someone else.

The door opens revealing a sight of a tired, messy haired guy. His eyes widened when he saw me.

Clearing my throat, I quickly stand up grabbing my stuff in the process . "Um...hi," I mumbled. That was probably the worst greeting ever, considering how awkward it sounded, which seemed to confuse him even further. His mouth opens and closes, not able to come up with anything to respond back with.

Finally, after almost thirty seconds, he nods awkwardly and walks to the side. I watched him curiously, waiting for him to say something but he just walked towards the instrument storage. I stared away, keeping an eye on my notebooks in case he was feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

The sound of key unlocking catches my attention. I turn my head to where the noise came from and my eyebrows furrow when I realize that this guy is opening one of the cases of instruments. A shock appeared on my face when I realized it was your case when he opened it. "What are you doing?!"  I asked, my voice sounding harsher than intended. 

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