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My heart stopped when I saw you standing there. Never in a thousand years would I think you'll be here. You look different from how I remember you. You seem older and somehow more mature. But then again, you always did look the most mature out of me.

Your hair has grown longer now, almost down to your shoulders. You walked in , wearing your usual suit. The suit that you used to complain about when I made you wear it, and the jacket fits perfectly like it was made for you. The way it sits on you is so elegant and graceful. It's as if you belong there. Like it's meant to be.

My eyes slightly frown when I saw some tattoos on your hands and arms. You used to say how much you wanted to have one, but never brave enough to have it done. I wonder what happened. I can't help but think about what could have made you this way. The way you walk and stand seems so strong and confident yet you still appear a little unsure about everything. Like you're still not sure of what to believe.

And it happened...

Your eyes turn to me. You look straight into my eyes, not even blinking when you do so. You look at me, as if it's the first time you've seen me since we left each other. As if you don't recognize my presence in front of you anymore. Somehow it cracks my heart a bit.

"babe" I hear someone calling behind me as you start making my way. I turn around finding my now husband, Eunwoo making his way to mine. He stops when he sees you. But soon continued to stand besides me letting his hand rest on my waist. You never halt your steps and now stand right in front of Eunwoo and I. Your expression doesn't change.

"Congratulations to both of you" you start after a minute. A small smile made it to your lips. "I'm happy for you" you continue looking at me straight in the eyes. You smile once again and I can feel Eunwoo tightening his grip on my waist. "I-" you cut Eunwoo's words "I hope you treat her well" you said. Eunwoo gives me a look as I signals him to leave us alone. He gives me a kiss on my cheek and leaves. Leaving you alone with me.

"I... I never thought you would come" I say breaking the silence between us. We stare at each other in awkward silence. I try to read your face but I can't. There are no traces of emotion on your face. Your smile isn't there either. I wonder why.

"I made a promise, remember?"

you answer. I nod as you smile a little. "You didn't really believe me though, huh?" You ask smiling. But my eyes told you otherwise. You sigh and stare at me. "We had our fun, our time..." you trailed off. "we did" I replied agreeing with you.

"But life comes back to the point where there must be consequences. We were together for three years and it ended before we realized it". "I'm glad you found Eunwoo... at least I knew you'll be in good hands" you added and finally smiled.

This time, your eyes looked warm and happy. But something inside of me tells me there's an underlying sadness hiding within them. You took a deep breath and turned away from me. For a few moments, neither of us spoke nor moved.

"I guess this is goodbye then" you started.

"ah there's one more thing..." you said turning to give me one last look before going I won't know where.

"You look gorgeous today, love"


I was so shocked when I heard the news, I still can't believe this angel passed away

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I was so shocked when I heard the news, I still can't believe this angel passed away... Whatever the caused is, I wish his family and those who closed with him to be strong😔 Astro has been one of my favorites groups, and it will never be the same now, RIP our moobin🤍🕊️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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