Showing Up When You Gave Birth✅

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"You will be a happy boy with mama by your side. I'm gonna make sure you eat well and live your life with me" you whisper those words while caressing your belly. It's been almost nine months, and already in third trimester. The labor can be any time nor seconds. Afraid? Sure you are. How can you not feel scared, you will give birth to your one and only child without a husband by your side.

This all feel surreal sometimes, but you knew you had to accept and face the reality. Your husband, Jungkook don't want this child, he wasn't ready to hold a responsibility as father yet. Right now, you can think of thousands of cursed words for him but you decide to cool down your mind and enjoy life.

Both of you haven't divorce yet since he ask you to thought carefully about it and you think the stress of courtroom will only worsening your condition as you're in pregnancy. You decided to left until you give birth so that you won't hurt nor harm the poor child.

"Y/n, why didn't you eat the yogurt yet?" Jieun, your sister asked as she look at the bowl of uneaten yogurt on the countertop. You shakes your head and look away "I didn't really want to eat, my throat feels weird" you reply and shrugs your shoulder.

Jieun sigh and nodded, trying to understanding your conditions but still she didn't really know how to. You take a sit on the couch, grabbing the pillow in process and put it behind your back as it keep aching a lot this day. "Hey everyone" you turn to the voice founding your another sibling, Mark walk in from the front door with some stuff he bought.

"What's that?" You asked frowning as he let out a breath and put it in front of you. "it's a great herb for pregnant woman and some clothes as some of yours didn't fit that big belly" he chuckles saying the words and kiss your head. "Thank you" you mumble and take a look at the stuff.

Meanwhile on the other side, Jungkook was having another bad day at work. He couldn't focus and keep ruining the projects he was given to. His mind was occupied by the thought of you. The guilt he's been feeling is crushing him. He couldn't focus nor straight up thinking anything other than you.

Sometimes in the middle of night, he feels like he wants the child. But soon, his mind changed when he thought he couldn't enjoy the life as young man. It was getting more stressful for him as a young director. He want to focus on his life with you but the thought of having a child this early is more scarier.

He afraid of not having time for himself or ruining the attention and care you had for him. He want a caring and loving relationship, and the thought of everything might be change after you give birth scare him. Jungkook sigh and look at his phone.

The screen shows on the picture of you and him on the day of your marriage. The day he vows to take care and love you for the rest of his life. The day he was pronounced a husband to the person he love the most. He recall the time he confess to you. How he was a nerd and you only a cafe girl.

Both was met by accident but change into a coincidence. He couldn't believe this is how it end. Both of you tearing apart because of the word called child. Because of him being a coward that scared of responsibility. "What am I going to do now?"

Mr Jeon knocked on the door and walk inside his son's office. His faces show only anger as he look at Jungkook who's busy trying to arrange his work. Jungkook flinch seeing his father walk in. He knew that Mr Jeon was angry by how he's acting. "Father..." He greet, bowing to the older and offer his father to have a sit.

"What is wrong with you?! Why do we lost so much client during the past three months?" Mr Jeon asked looking at his son with rage. He couldn't believe Jungkook, his only son who he have trained for so long did this unforgivable mistakes. It seems like impossible for him to do this but yet, here he is. "I'm sorry father, I just had a stressful day" he replied and bow again.

Jungkook OneshotOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora