When The Popular Boy Flirting With You In Front Of Your Cold Boyfriend✅

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When The Popular Boy Flirting With You In Front Of Your Cold Boyfriend

You just done with your class, walking in the hallway, you spotted Jungkook at his locker, taking out some stuff. Smiling, you fastened up your speed to meet him. "Kookie!" You whisper at his ears making him flinch. He turn around giving you a slight smiles before again continue on taking out his stuff.

You pout, "did you have class after this?" He nodded. Jungkook isn't the type to talk a lot. He always either nods or smiles when he agree with something you say. But that didn't stop you both from growing on with your relationship.

He rather not show it, but he always care for you more than you know. Cause that's what he said. He love you, he care about you.. but he will prove it more than he say it.

After done with your second class, you again started searching for him. A slight sigh in disappointment left your mouth as you couldn't find him anywhere. Not knowing what to do, you decide to call him. One, two.. and three calls but he still didn't pick it up.

"Where are you..." You mumble still with your phones in your hands. You flinch when a sudden hands push you towards the locker making your back slammed to it. Hissing a bit, you lift your gazes to look at the person.

"Hey pretty" Jake, the popular boy is standing straight in front of you. Rolling your eyes in annoyance, you push him as he stumble back but manage to keep on his balance.

"Stop bothering me Jake, I have a boyfriend" you coldly spatted and open up your locker before taking out some of your stuffs. Jake rolled his eyes "that cold ass guy? You got a better option than him y/n" his words make you feel more annoyed.

"who you?" You scoffed. "If I were you, I might go and find someone else" closing on the locker, you locked it before making your way passed him. When you thought he actually leave you alone.

He pull your wrist until your body reach him making he smirk. Glaring at him you take a step back. "Leave me alone" he chuckles and smirk again but his eyes aren't on you.

But to the figures behind you who's been witnessing everything. You turn around only to be greeted by dark eyes Jungkook who's glaring at Jake coldly. His eyes turn to you, walking closer to you, he push Jake's hand off your body.

He didn't say anything and pull you with him until Jake's words stopped him. "See y/n, he couldn't even say anything to protect you!" He shouted.

Jungkook let go of your hands and walk towards Jake. The smirk still didn't left his faces making your blood boiled. But what shocked you the most is when Jungkook suddenly landed a punch on his faces making him fall harshly to the grounds.

As he done, he grab your hands and both of you make your way out from there. During the car rides, Jungkook remain silents, but you know.. deep down he was jealous and hurt by Jake's words. He never show how hurt he is, but he always thought of it as long as he can.

You slowly intertwined your hands in his. He frown a bit but soon change by a relief faces as he  droves away. No matter how cold he is, how quiet he is.. you always going to choose him over and over again.

Cause he's your everything, your cold bunny.

Your man.

"I love you"  he mumble

The end

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