Confession Pt 2✅

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"Why are you still here?" I couldn't help but to let it out. It's weird seeing him here, after all the pain I created and witnessing him falling apart really thrown it all. Jungkook sigh, he pour something in the bowl and serve it on the table. "here, I made you some soup for your hungover" a frown made it to my faces. "What is wrong with him?"

It was like 4 month ago the words came out from his mouth. "I fucking hate you!" my throats tighten when his words linger in my mind. It was too painful to hear him saying it to me, but still... it was my fault, and I deserve that.

"What are you waiting for? eat it" He said more like a demand. Surely I won't just obey him so I walk pass him and open the fridge. A loud groan came out from his lips, when I about to have a look inside it, he suddenly push the door of the fridges close trapping my small figure in process.

I flinch when his nose met mine. For second, I thought that I will just let my lips meet him like an old time. But soon I realize where my place at. I'm just his ex, who cheated on him.  The hard reality really hit me where it hurt, I push him away. "eat it. Before I make you do it" Somehow I feel scared. Just this time! I whisper to myself and take a sit, eyeing the meal made by him.

Jungkook take a sit in across me. He didn't give me any glances and just enjoy his meals. What the hell is wrong with him? How could he just sat there not caring about who he's with? seriously, didn't he hate me enough to actually spend some time for me?

Question after questions line inside my head. How can I not, this guy just appear and act weird. He didn't give me any hints on why he's acting like this. Shrugging my thoughts, I continue eating and look away from him, try not to think too much.

"y/n" I look up, giving him a 'what' look. "I want you to be honest" his voice came out calm yet stern. Again, I feel uneasy feeling corrupting my head. Jungkook lift his gaze to look at me. I was shocked when I saw how serious he was. Did I do something wrong again last night? I gulped. "Did you cheat on me?" sh*t. Ask me anything but that please. I was literally stunned. I couldn't answer him.

Trying my best to act strong I look away. "You knew the answer" I don't know if my words convince him, because I don't think so. He stare at me while all I do was avoiding his eyes. "Be honest" damn, he's demanding. "I am" "look me in the eyes then" I swear to god I want to run away. "Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth"

Jungkook's Pov

I knew it. She couldn't look into my eyes, I knew it. She's hiding something. Something that kept her away from me. "Tell me" again I demand. She was getting frustrated as I keep forcing her to tell me the truth. I knew her so well, she aren't that great on keeping secrets. The way she handle herself from leaking it was by avoiding it.

"I-i..." she stutter.

I sigh. Standing up, I walk towards her and crouch to her knees. My hands held hers, "You know the truth will come out one day right? Just tell me y/n, no one's going to blame you. Sometimes, it's better to take things off your chest" Just when I said that her body ease. A light breath came out from her mouth. Slowly, she let her eyes met mine.

"I-i let you go" she paused, eyes staring deep in mine. Her grip on my hands tightening. "That night was all... lie" the words didn't suprise me. Ever since what she said last night, I believe there was something more than what I see and heard.

Y/n look down, a sigh left her lips "I did it because of June... She's my best friend" Y/n lips quiver. "I couldn't bare seeing her fall apart. She's my only friend. Every time she told me how much you meant to her make me felt thousand of guilt. After all, June was the one who introduced you to me... She knew you first, she need you more than me" silence.

I didn't know how and why I didn't realize this before. June was in love with me, and y/n is her best friend. My thoughts are going down, I couldn't think of anything else.

"then what about me? What about my feelings?" the words came out unintended. Her eyes soon found mine. Her thoughts is running, I could sense some guilt in her eyes.

"I...I" she stutter, trying to find a right word. My eyes softened. I grip her hands tighter, "I love you, and I won't take it back" I said pulling her body to mine. Y/n body stiffen. She's shocked, I could feel it. "Even after what I've done?" I slowly nodded.

"Nothing and no one can change my heart"

"I'm sorry"

I pat her head and peck her forehead. "I knew the truth now, thank you"


{i am done with my uncreative mind}

- Sorry for another late post

- Sorry for another late post

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