Losing You Part 3✅

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"He wants to meet you", that sentence echoed  throughout my head, repeatedly bouncing off the walls of my head. Every single word of his said those exact same words, repeated over and over again in my mind.

It's been such a long time... It's been almost a year, since my last memory of you. I wonder why now? Are you getting better? 

I wish.

For the past months, it seemed like fate was never giving me the answers. For some reason, my memories started fading like smoke floating away, it felt so unreal that I'm convinced that I'm having a nightmare. No, you won't be happy seeing me like that.

I shook my head

"meet me at this location tomorrow" Jonghyun's words give me a new hope that perhaps you haven't already reached death and this dream is simply a figment of my imagination.

"now, what should I wear?"

The next day, I surprisingly woke up early. I choose to wear a blue denim dress  with short sleeves, matching shoes to match the outfit. I took another look at myself in front of the mirror and frowned. Not sure if I am doing the right thing going to meet you. But I need answers.

Not from anyone but from you.

It was straight at 10 am in the morning when I arrived at the hospital. I look around trying to locate your brother. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him sitting in an armchair. He must have heard the sound of the door opening because he immediately turned around and looked at me with his bright hazelnut eyes. 

"you're here" he stated calmly after getting up, walking towards me. I nod my head and follow behind him in silence. As we reach level 4 where I assume your room is, my heart starts to beat faster and I can't help but feel nervous and anxious at the same time.

How will you react? Will you be happy? or probably upset? I'm afraid that even though you're getting better, you're still very fragile...

We reach your room and he knocks on the door before looking at me. I nodded my head quickly and followed him inside. As we walked in, my eyes scanned around the room and they finally settled on the bed, where you laid motionless. I froze as my eyes turned to look at the sight of your pale skin and messy hair.

You seem to realize another presence  as your eyes opened slowly. A few seconds later, a small smile appeared on your lips as soon as you saw me.

There was a sudden pang of pain in my chest, it hurt a lot. But as soon as I realized what I was feeling was a result of my broken heart, a warm tear rolled down the side of my cheeks.

"I've been waiting for you" you muttered as I wiped my tears. I can't help the smile that formed on my face, hearing the familiar tone you speak with makes my heart soar.
As I walk towards you, your eyes turn soft giving  me a warm welcoming smile. You extended your arms for me and I took it gladly, snuggling into your embrace as I let the tears continue to flow down my face. You ran your fingers soothingly on the back of my head and I buried my face on your shoulder.

"I miss you " I whispered, tightening my hold on you. You caressed my hair comfortingly.  And as if on cue, your brother approached us. He looks at both of us with a sad expression. I turn my gaze towards you. You seem thinner, more pale now. Your face was no longer full of happiness like before. Instead, you looked lifeless, your body was no longer able to carry your usual energy.

That day, you explained everything to me.  Your illness, your family members, you being hospitalized. There are several days where you had difficulty breathing or your vision was blurry. During the day, you would spend most of your time either writing songs or practicing your instruments. "I don't want to get attached  to anything so I just kept writing songs and practicing for as long as I can" you told me, trying to sound upbeat and cheerful.

But every time your heart rate goes too fast, the machines  in the room start beeping. Even though you tried to hide it and try to act happy whenever you felt that way I could tell that you were struggling.

"Meeting you scared me... I don't want anyone to be close with me when I know there isn't much time" your words made my heart break once again. I wish I could remember your voice, I wish I could always hold you and tell you that I don't care, I will always be there for you. You didn't deserve any of what happened to you.

"The surgery went well, but..."  you trailed off. You couldn't bring yourself to continue.

"But....?" I repeated.

You bit your lip as you stared into my eyes. "It already spread out, there's nothing they can do" you said as tears threatened to escape your eyes.  I wanted so badly to hug you but I restrained myself not wanting to make things worse for you.

You were hurting a lot, even if I knew that I wasn't supposed to know, I couldn't bear to see you suffer any more.

So I decided to be there for you.  To support you and keep you smiling. So I did everything I could think of. I cooked for you, sang to you, read to you, played with you, I even brought you to walk around the hospital.

It's the least I can do.

But times are running low. Soon your condition could be irreversible, if that's even possible. The doctors say that there is nothing else they can do.

"I know it hurts" I whispered, placing a hand gently on top of yours. "But you've done all that you can, there's nothing left" you squeezed my hand as I tried to contain my tears. After all the months I spent worrying and thinking about you, now here I am  saying those words to someone who might not live till tomorrow.

"I love you."  I whispered, leaning forward to press my head against yours.

2 minutes and a sudden long beep broke the silence of the room. Tears stream down my faces as I realize where the voices are coming from. I quickly stand up and press the button calling the nurses.

But it is the time... where I lost you forever

"You were right. Music is the true form of magic"

"Because every time I listen to yours, all the memories of you rushing through my mind. And it always made me forget how painful the reality is"

"Without you by my side"

guess what?

It's the end🪄

- Thank you for reading, I apologize for any mistakes and errors in this story, I will try to update more often💜👍

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