He Didn't Want The Baby✅

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You gasped at the sight of the blue line showing on your pregnancy test. "I-i'm... Pregnant?" Tears slowly falling as you couldn't hold the feeling of overwhelming. This is so sudden, you never expect you're gonna be a mother on second month of your marriage. Your mind travel to Jungkook, your husband.

How would he react? He must be happy. You smiles thinking on how to tell this exciting news to your husband. That night, you wait for Jungkook to arrive home. You have prepared his favorite meals and set a box to surprise him. When the sound of front door open, you quickly rush towards it, founding your husband who just arrived.

"How's your day?" You asked, helping to take his files and stuff as he take off his shoes. "not bad" he reply, eyeing you. Jungkook was surprised with your attitude today.

It wasn't a usual things for you to greet him like this when he came home. You always at the living room either watching movies or wait for him there. But tonight, you seems different. "Kook, have you eat?" You asked and he shake his head making you smiles.

"Good, I've cooked your favorite food today!" You said excitement clearly shows on your faces. Jungkook frown, he was getting curious on what was going on right now. "Sure, let's eat" he said, holding your hands and walk towards the dining room.

His eyes widened when he saw all of his favorite meals was places perfectly on the table. But his eyes wonder to a white colour box that also on the tables. "What is that?"

You smiles, making your way to the table and grab the box before slowly giving it to him. "I have a present for you" you said and gave him your sweetest smiles. He raised his eyebrows and smiles back.

Jungkook look at the box for a while and open it. He frown when there's a baby shirt and a pregnancy test. Soon, he realizes what you're trying to say. Jungkook lift his gaze to meet you, you was grinning widely looking so happy while him? He wasn't getting all the excitement other than fear and uneasiness.

But he couldn't bare to see you getting sad. So he decided to fake a smiles and hug you. "We're getting a mini you and me" you mumble whispering to his ears as he hugged you. Jungkook let out a deep breath and kiss your head. He couldn't said anything, afraid he might hurt you with his words so he keep quiet.

Meanwhile, you was thinking that maybe he was speechless. Maybe he was so happy. After the dinner, Jungkook went for a shower while you busy cleaning the table. Soon, when you're done, you walk towards your shares bedroom but stop when you heard your husband voice.

"I-i don't want that things, hyung..." He sound scared and hurt. You peak a bit spotting he was talking with his hyung on the phone. "No! I don't want that child, it's too soon... I'm not ready to share my life with another one" your eyes widened. Jungkook didn't want this child? His own child? Tears filling your eyes as you stood there witnessing all the hurtful words coming from your husband's mouth.

"It's fine... If your father won't take care of you, then I will. By myself, I'm gonna make sure you're living the best life with your one and only mother" you mumble caressing your flat stomach.

The End

Please recommend any ideas cause im too dumb to think of one.👍

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