Divorce ✅

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Love isn't supposed to hurt, but they do. The feeling of it is unbearable, so painful even that he wishes he could tear it from him without feeling a thing.

So what if they used to be together? It didn't mean anything. They were still just a couple, nothing more and nothing less. Nothing had changed and nothing could change until one of them moved on with their life. That's what happens when you're married in the eyes of the law for six years. They weren't supposed to break up, yet they did. They should've realized sooner that it was bound to happen sooner or later but they were too caught up in what was going on inside themselves.

It wasn't supposed to be like this, they were only supposed to stay together because they loved each other. Yet, they have been apart for months, not knowing where the hell they went wrong, where they messed up and it's all confusing. It doesn't feel real anymore, as if they are two different people who live separately. He wonders if she has already moved on or if she is waiting for him to come back or if maybe she isn't happy at all. There's so many things he wants to tell her.

So much he wants to fix...

A voice behind him snaps him out of his thoughts. He turns around to find Eunwoo approaching him, holding a mug filled with steaming hot coffee. "Have a drink, you need energy before the meeting" He said, placing it on Jungkook's desk before taking a seat next to him. "How are you feeling?"

He looks down, unable to meet Eunwoo's gaze. "It'll take time for everything to go back to normal." His friend nods in agreement. "She will arrive this afternoon, are you ready?"

Jungkook shakes his head. "Yeah. I think so." It feels nice to finally let his emotions go and speak his mind freely. The pain and anger, the sorrow and regret were starting to overwhelm him and if he couldn't vent it out then how would he get rid of it?

"I just wish for her to let me explain... at least a little" He says quietly. It's strange. Not long ago, he felt as if he could talk to the girl about anything and he wouldn't need to say too much-she'd know exactly what he wanted to tell her, as if their minds were connected and communicated telepathically. Now, it feels as if she's miles away.

"Do you love her?" Eunwoo asks suddenly , making Jungkook raise his head. It's such an unexpected question that it surprises him. After a few moments, he answers without hesitation, "Yes". "I don't really think that there's any other way around it..." His heart aches at the thought of losing her. She had always been there for him, through thick and thin, supporting him and giving him strength. He knew she was there for him no matter what.

So why hadn't she been? What happened between them to cause them to drift apart like this? How could they go from being so close that they could read each other's mind to a point where they had to physically move thousands of miles away from each other? Was it some kind of accident? An accident that caused them to end up separated?


Jungkook already taking a seat inside the meeting room with Eunwoo as his lawyer and friend. His thoughts never stopped swirling. Soon a soft knock is heard outside the door and before he even gets a chance to stand up, a tall guy in black suit enters with a woman who he longed for months following right behind. He had missed her more than anyone else. It was like his missing limb was slowly healing, slowly recovering and becoming whole again. When their eyes met after almost half a decade, it was almost surreal.

"Good afternoon Mr Jeon, Mr Cha" her lawyer greeted politely. "Afternoon Mr Jung and Mrs Jeon" Eunwoo replied but soon was cut off by y/n "It's Ms Kim" Jungkook gaze instantly fell towards her. He can feel how his heart sinks hearing her words. "I apologize to Ms Kim, but in this document you're still Mrs Jeon, and we have to do it by law" Eunwoo explained, pointing toward the document he was reading. "We are here today to discuss your divorce." Y/n nodded her head.

"Of course. Let's begin then." He gestures his head for her to take a seat on one of the seats in front of the table while he takes a seat on the chair next to her.

"It is stated here that Mrs Jeon requested for divorce last month and was denied by Mr Jeon" he read. He looked down at the paper again. "According to Mr Jeon, he refused to end this marriage and wished to fix this mistake and start over." Jungkook looks into her eyes trying to read her but nothing seems to change. Her eyes looked dull, emotionless and empty. He tries to read her emotions but he finds himself unable to pick out any hint of sadness or anger from them.

"Is there anything we should clear up before we continue our discussion, Mrs Jeon?" Eunwoo question, Y/n whispered something to her lawyer as he nodded and looked at Eunwoo. "My client would like to have a private talk with Mr Jeon" Eunwoo gives a hesitant look "If that's alright with you Mr Jeon" he added. Jungkook gave Eunwoo a reassuring nod as both of the lawyers walked out leaving them alone.

"I believe you understand why this meeting needed to happen right?" she started giving him a cold stare which Jungkook tried his best to act unaffected. "you want a divorce" he simply states "there's no use keeping this marriage" she adds bitterly.

"You don't get it", Jungkook spoke calmly, trying to keep up his composure but he knew there was no way he was doing a good job at hiding the fact that he was devastated.
"There's nothing to understand." She spat out. "Why don't you want us to be together?" He sounds frustrated "I love you, I just want this marriage to work!" he exclaimed.

Y/n gave him a disbelief look...

"Do you think you can easily manipulate everything Jungkook?" Her voice came out harsh. "Don't make yourself the victim here when you know damn well it all started with you!"

That was enough to break him. He can't hold it in anymore. All the pent up feelings finally exploded in him and he just broke down in front of her.

"Don't you remember how you treated me all those years?" She continues "You call me useless, not a good wife, ignore my efforts and even threaten to divorce me!" She pauses, seemingly trying to calm herself down. "You took advantage of me" he hears her whisper, breaking his heart even more. He regretted it, all those years of neglecting her when he was supposed to love and care for her and she was the one who made decisions for the both of them. She was a good wife, but he failed to see that

"and now you want to think all of this could be fixed?" She laughs sarcastically at his suggestion. "You really thought we were going to work things out?" She continued looking straight at him. "We are never meant to be. It's over Jungkook" His eyes softened as he gave her a small smile. "If this is the end, I wish for your happiness Kim Y/n" he said in defeat. "you may expect a divorce papers within next week"

With that he stood up, taking his stuff with him and quickly exited the meeting room without letting her answer him. She was right, there was no point in prolonging their suffering. He knows this, he just wishes things had gone a lot smoother.

After all, what good were all of these struggles for?

When the love is already gone ,
The rest of what remains,
Would only serve to hurt you more

- I apologize for any error/mistakes 💜

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