Chapter 29

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At Chaeyoung's apartment on the same evening.

Chaeyoung decided to end their bath knowing that it won't do both of them any good if they were to stay longer. She was advised to keep her wound from having contact with water while it was still in the process of healing. She also knew that Mina needed to get out of there sooner else, she might catch a cold which she still did.

"It can't be helped. She stayed too long in there." Chaeyoung  sighed, looking at the woman's reflection in the mirror. She was still in the bathroom but since the door was opened, she was able to see some parts of her bedroom. The mirror was installed directly facing the door.

Mina was already in her bedroom, dressing herself up with the clothes that Chaeyoung prepared.

"I'll dry your clothes, Mina. This won't take a while." Chaeyoung said while retrieving Mina's  drenched clothes from the counter. She didn't wait for the woman's response but instead proceeded to the laundry area which was adjacent to her bathroom.

She checked for items on the woman's coat pockets before putting them in the washing machine. "Phone. Good thing it's not damaged by the rain." She said, removing the item from the pocket and placing it near the counter. She checked the other pocket and found another item.

"Passport. Still dry? At that rate, her things should have been drenched. Just what's with this coat?" She mused before checking the coat's tag which had a small "Gucci" printed on it. "exclusively for M.Myōi." She read the small phrase written below the brand name. "A personalized coat? Why am I still surprised?" She placed the item near the phone and continued with the other pockets to empty them of anything valuable. After a thorough search, she found nothing else in them.

"Huh? How did she come here from the airport if she didn't have any bills with her?" Chaeyoung wondered before a thought crossed her. "Don't tell me she walked from the airport to here. But that's too far." She shook her head as if that would cross out the possibility of it happening. She placed the other articles of clothing inside the washing machine before joining Mina.

"Ahmn. Mina?" Chaeyoung asked tentatively to catch the woman's attention. "Are these the only things you brought with you?" She placed the passport and phone on the bed.

"Ah, yes Chaeyoung." Mina answered, looking at the items on the bed before looking back at the confused Chaeyoung.

"Eh? How did you come here, then?" Mina asked, her light brown orbs were squinting to take a better look at Mina's feet for any sign of damage done due to walking.

"Ahmm, I halted a cab and instructed the kind driver to bring me to your address, Chaeyoung." Mina answered as she started closing the distance between them. "

"Did you pay the driver?" Chaeyoung asked, looking Mina in the eyes.

"Ehh?" Mina  uttered, confused with the question. "Of course, Chaeyoung, I did pay the driver. It is not good to deprive anyone of what is due to him." She said, pondering where Chaeyoung's  questions were coming from. "Did Chaeyoung think that I did not pay my dues to the hardworking driver? I never knew that you thinks so low of me." She said with feigned hurt in her voice.

"You don't have a single dollar in your pocket, woman! How am I supposed to know that you did not run away from the driver without paying?" Chaeyoung defended herself.

"Chaeyoung ,you're not even denying that you accusing me of doing something that horrible to the cab driver?" Mina turned around, allowing her back to face Chaeyoung instead. She sat on the bed and started gathering her items. "So, you do not trust my words anymore." She said, looking up at Chaeyoung. "I should probably go, then." She started getting up and walking towards the door's direction.

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